Part of This Series of Posts:

Communism is true populism, and real populism is Communism, ask any random Chinese person who was, is, and will be the Communist party fighting for and they will answer the people. For example populism is redundant in China because it is a given that all politics must be ‘populist’.

Real socialism is populist because populism is supposed to mean serving the masses but every ‘populist’ who is not a Communist (today not historically) is just a fake populist (demagogue) who is only in power to prevent the rise of class consciousness among the masses.

There is definitely an anti-establishment current emerging in the United States, but it is up to the Communist party to emerge as leader over it as opposed to other (fake) populist forces that form and show how Communism is true populism and win over the minds of the people. Due to the dwindling, downward labour aristocracy, an increasing amount of people have been looking for alternatives, albeit most have developed false consciousness. However the fact that people have developed false consciousness shows that if they were guided correctly they would become socialists. Anti-establishment movements such as those of (that stem from) Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump (MAGA) are prime examples of movements we should be reaching out to so that we can guide them on the right path. It is from these mostly blue-collar and rural people that we should be reaching out to as opposed to liberal, metropolitan (or suburban), university graduates, AKA the Professional Managerial Class (PMC).

Recently we saw American self-proclaimed ‘Communists’ oppose the trucker protests despite the vast majority of truckers being either working class or one truck operators (likely indebted to banks). This is all despite Engels stating that Communists must always bring the property question to the forefront of every protest. It does not matter what spurred on the protests to being with, what matters is the protests are anti-establishment. It is up to us Communists to be at the forefront of any movement against the current order and to always bring up the property question and guide it towards a revolutionary proletarian direction. Complete denounciation did not help the movement in anyway and is an indictment of just how low the Communist parties of North America (CPUSA and CPC) have fallen.

Communists want a socialist United States but there are people calling themselves socialist who want it to be called ‘Turtle Island’ because they think America is fundamentally stained and Americans are all settlers benefitting from imperialism (when this could not be further from the truth as only the imperialist bourgeoisie benefit from imperialism). Despite this being so divorced from the masses as all they know is the U.S. and the vast majority identity with the United States. Socialism is not just about having ‘correct beliefs’. If your position does not allow you to build a mass, POPULAR movement of your countrys MAJORITY, then you are not a socialist. It is socialism that delivers true patriotism and socialism that delivers true populism and only socialism which can as it is the scientific vehicle moving society forward.

Revolutionary defeatism is the stance American Communists need to take internationally and when it comes to the oppression of oppressed peoples inside the U.S., but that needs to be backed up by real patriotism not the phony patriotism of the ruling class. We are patriotic to the people themselves, not the current state. We want to win over the masses and establish a socialist state to serve the masses because only with Communism can the mythos of the American dream be made reality for the masses.

  • enigma@lemmygrad.mlOP
    2 年前

    Race is a social construct dependent on where you are, who is defining it and how it is defined. Race science originates from Anglo-Colonial pseudo-science to justify slavery and colonialism for the bosses and to divide the exploited classes on the basis of skin tone/pigment/melanin/haplogroup and ethnicity.

    However while it is a social construct, it does have real meaning in simple terms since the colonial era. For example, to an African man living in Johannesburg, it is obvious that the fair skinned man (white) who came to enforce apartheid was serving the whites in trying to keep the majority who are darked skinned (black) people down. Whereas in the past before this dialectic came up through the onset of colonialism, different African groups fought each other, had vastly different cultures, languages and looked different, whereas against the white man, they were all black and in the struggle for African liberation after the colonisers left they were also black. The same holds true today globally as we live in a globalised society and one in which the vast majority of people outside of the imperial core (which is overwhelmingly white) are not white and are under the lock of imperialism.

    While we must oppose race essentialism, it is undeniably that different racial groups will have different interests. For example, the promise of 40 acres and a mule to the black people of America which was promised to them after freedom from slavery was never fulfilled, instead they were ignored, segregated and later Jim Crow laws made them poor. All of this has a real impact still to this day and even today they suffer in much higher rates from police violence. From this there is the potential to build a mass movement of black people which will deliver 40 acres and a mule (tractor) to every black family and which will uplift the community. The affirmative action programs of today, which are based on race and not class are clearly made to divide as poor whites get left out while even rich blacks benefit, this should in the future be based on wealth. Giving land to black families would greatly uplift the community and would be an impetus for a cultural and social revolution as a rejuvenation is brought to the rural areas and black culture would thrive.

    Similarly in America, when it comes to the native people, they are of course after a revolution going to have the right to self determination on a tribe by tribe basis and this will also serve as part of a massive land reform program which will see the poverty of reservations be no more and will uplift them and allow them to thrive and be respected and contribute to their communities in ways which were impossible through the reservation system which oppresses them. Both of these are massive impetuses for popular support in these communities which are both significant minorities. There is so much land owned by corporations and capitalists that other groups would of course also be included in an extensive land reform program.

    I discuss this in detail here: