Oh please… We stopped researching that technology in the 40s. We never perfected it enough to make super soldiers.
Just fabulous soldiers.
You beat me by 10 seconds.
Thuper tholdiers
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Putin thinks about gays more than Gay people do. 🤔
Putin is big gay for his violinist.
Sounds like an exceedingly veiled masturbation reference tbh 😂
Frankly I didn’t know if there was an h in cellist. But I’m going for it.
It is his kryptonite. Getting his ass kicked by gay super soldiers would be poetic.
Probably projecting.
Translation into “plainspeak”, filtering out all the deflection and projection:
We have an incompetent alcoholic military, with a toxic environment of forceful sodomy among our own troops abusing each other as well as others.
Yep… that pretty much covers it completely.
Jokes on them, that is fuckin
How can I get some of that brainwashing for myself? That sounds awesome.
Except it was the Athenians who were misogynistically homosexual, and apparently also ageist as well.
As far as I understand it, we guess at this because the Spartans didn’t write much but the Athenians wrote a lot, including making fun of them for things like: not being Saudi Arabia/Iran towards women and such other outrageous concepts like respecting your elders.
Also Thebes had a lot of reason to hate Sparta. Among them was that those 300 famous Spartans were accompanied by several thousands of Thebians who were put in largely sacrificial positions to better save Spartan lives.
To be fair, Sparta’s “reputation” came mostly from having a remarkable propaganda machine. They were a bunch of paper tigers.
I wouldn’t really take anything they put out about their rival as more than that.
Looks like you replied on the wrong comment.
I have to know, what inspired this presumably premade art? Is this normally a problem Bi Goth Girls have? I believe this has great meme potential.
I’m not sure where that part in particular comes from, but this seems to be a combination of these two
Same! I’m interested in the backstory
@ yoloswagstudios is the artist, idk if this is edited or not tho lmao, lots of great masterpieces!
But the US thinks gays are too precious to risk in combat!
“How many soldiers’ lives are worth the life of one homosexual?”
“God bless America, and her gays”
I will never not watch this video when I come across it. Precious, precious video
piped bot where
I don’t see an issue with gay super soldiers.
The real question is has Putin given up on trying to call them Nazis, or are we supposed to believe Ukrainians are super gay Nazi soldiers now.
And Jewish, of course. They’ve got all the best space lasers, totally unfair.
Gay Ukrainian Super Soldiers
Why the fuck are people against the “woke” military if we can make gay super soldiers??
Probably afraid those super soldiers will also be super attractive and make them have impure thoughts.
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Yo same. Muscular women are hot.
Is this propaganda or a comedy routine gone awry?
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Aha! The standard strategy of making the opponent both very strong, to explain why they are winning and need being fought as being the weaker one at the same time because the gays are obviously inferior.
Same rethoric the nazis used against the Jews. Strong enough to own all capital and influence the entire world behind the scenes ánd obviously an inferior type of people without spine.
Wtf am i reading. Making them gay isnt even a stab at anyone, its just a weird thing to add.
You’re not the target audience. They’re trying to stir up the homophobes, for whom “gay” is very much a stab.
Exactly. For them „gay“ is short for „evil, satanic pedophile“.
That’s a really shitty acronym on their part.
It must lose something in translation.
That’s ESP… wow, the gay soldiers are even more super than I thought.
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Yeah it’s really not on brand with their usual message about how gay men are going to cause the fall of western civilization by being all feminine and weak something something cultural marxism…
I think the toxic masculinity has started feeding on itself like a snake eating it’s own tail.
Other posters have already mentioned it, but the idea of using homosexuality as means to produce super-soldiers is tried-and-true, and goes way, way back:
So, even taking Putin’s ridiculous claim at face value, it still just boils down to Russia’s soldiers being inadequate compared to Ukraine’s.
Now I’m motivated to work out…
Propaganda aimed at the russian people and far-right dumbfucks throughout Europe and the USA.
Putin needs to create an enemy to tell the Russian people he’s protecting them from.
unified through gay sex
Doesn’t sound that bad actually
Basically Spartans (based on my slightly more than cursory reading of their history)
I imagine it would be a pain in the bum for the one super soldier who the gay serum didn’t work on.
I bet that advisor was rock hard while describing the gay orgies