Here are a collection of quotes for fellow Marxist-Leninists to counter Ultra-Leftism and Dogmatism from misguided comrades. (None of this is a substitute for theory. Read!)

Part 1: Quotes To Combat Ultra-Leftists of All Types

Part 2: Quotes Which Reveal The Transitional Nature of Communism

Part 3: Quotes Which Defend Chinese Socialism

Part 4: Quotes To Combat Revisionists and Ultra-Leftists

Part 5: Quotes Which Defend The Socialist Mode of Production

Part 6: Quotes Which Defend Post-Stalin U.S.S.R.

Part 7: Quotes On The Need For Socialist Patriotism

Part 8: Quotes On The True Nature of Revolution

    2 years ago

    OK Got it. It won’t post to fb. But it does post to YT. I’ve got it on the side panel bookmark. I use that to keep the useful stuff up top. I’ve got no idea how you guys keep your files in order on this thing. Mine’s are just a mess.