I’ve used VS Code for a long time, but have recently grown weary of Microsoft’s approach to OSS. I’ve checked out VS Codium which seems like it might be a great option.

What text editor are you using?

  • iortega@lemmy.eus
    3 years ago

    TL;DR: Neovim.

    Because I feel exceptionally happy today, I’m going to talk about my journey among text editors:

    Unnecessary text

    I will start from Vim.

    I started using Vim 5 years ago.
    i = 0
    while (still using vim) and i < 6:
    ----test Emacs vanilla
    ----give up with Emacs vanilla
    ----wait 1-4 months
    test Emacs Xah-Fly-Keys;
    wait 2 months
    Back to Vim.
    Test again vanilla Emacs 2 more times while using vim.
    Test again xah-fly-keys Emacs.
    After Several months…
    Upgrade to Neovim!
    2 days later: Back to Vim.
    X more time.
    We are on Q1 2020. Let’s use Doom Emacs!
    While using Doom Emacs I copy vim configs to Neovim because I got bored of Doom for a week.
    Doom possesses me for 2 years (while still using Neovim for terminal things sometimes).
    2021 Summer I move my Vimrc configs on neovim to Lua. Still Doom.
    Doom Emacs decides to no longer open and freezes on startup. Nice.
    Now I’m on Neovim. Waiting for nativecomp Emacs. I still regularly open Doom Emacs to check whether it got fixed magically by itself (no luck as of today).

    I’m happy with with neovim currently. I feel like neovim is like more robust and Doom Emacs can like do many many super cool and maybe little things, but sometimes decides to bug itself. Hard choice.