“We’re trying to create a safe and loving home.”
“Wow, so what you’re saying is you won’t love me if I come in and release millions of angry wasps in your home? Have fun in your echo chamber, I guess.”
“Just because you disagree that minorities should be wiped off the face of the earth doesn’t mean you have to cancel me”
“Why can’t we just meet in the middle and wipe half the minorities off the planet?”
Easy there, discount Thanos
Maybe we should start an equally extreme movement on the left so that the centrist actually know what the centre is supposed to be.
“Minorities should be our supreme leaders, that enslaves the majority”
This is, unironically, what they tell one another we believe
It’s getting to this point. The left need to start arming themselves and agitate for what we want. The over the decades the right-wing shifted right. To counter this the democratic party shifted right as well in an attempt to court the “undecided” voters.
This has failed spectacularly and they just alienated their actual base. Now the country has shifted right and the true leftists are left with little to no representation.
If you take a look at global demographics, that’s already happened…
We should all admit that both sides have a point. Let’s all try to break out of our echo chambers.
Mostly because the echoing screams of suffering are getting a hit too loud in this chamber.
“In our latest innovation, we have added sound baffling to the echo chambers. The upshot is now people can hear themselves and nothing else, as requested. This helps narcissists keep out of others way and let people get on with their lives… What’s the downside, you ask? Oh… Well, the downside is that everyone else is predicted to suffer psychosis. Well, predict to suffer it 62% faster than now… Anyways, mission accomplished!” /s
I just heard your username in my head. >_>
Mission accomplished!
They appeal to tolerance because we value it, not because they do. Once they have power they won’t practice the tolerance towards differences in opinion they demand.
Once they have power they won’t practice the tolerance
Well duh. They don’t even pretend to practice tolerance when they don’t have power.
I’m just going to leave this in case someone needs to see it for the first time. Paradox of Tolerance
No paradox once you stop viewing tolerance a principle and start viewing it as a social contract; only those that keep it are covered by it.
I really like this take, I’m going to steal it.
Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.—In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.
The Paradox of Tolerance,
Karl Popper,
1945.It’s worth noting that what Karl Popper most likely meant by intolerance is something like “forbid their followers to listen to rational argument … teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols” rather than any broader meaning of the term, and is here explicitly giving credit to the value of rational debate.
Yep, I think the irony of this post is lost on some people.
Wonderful quote, but curse my brain for reading “Karl Popper” as “Carl Pappa”
Also transphobic discussion shouldn’t be tolerated either. At this point transphobes should be regarded with ridicule and hatred. They’ve had ample opportunity to show sympathy for something as simple as pronouns and yet they’re still bigots.
“tHaT’s NoT vErY tOLeRaNt”
“Why thank you for noticing”
Deus vult for me to find a nazi and kill them with a 950 jdj
Preach, funny little rocket man.
whatever “intolerance” is required to bar nazis from your society is infinitesimal compared to the intolerance that would result from allowing even a single nazi into your society.
there’s also the greater point here that intolerance based in hatred of an individual or group’s immutable characteristics only bears a superficial resemblance to intolerance of that same bigotry. they are not meaningfully comparable, and attempts to conflate the two have to be understood as an attempt to smuggle hate in under the nose of otherwise well-meaning people
So much for the tolerant left. Ever heard of little thing called FREEZE PEACH. You probably haven’t, its in our Constitution, the very best document ever, made by the best political minds ever so that we’d all have freedom, even you red fash scum. I support everyone’s right to speak in the free marketplace of ideas. I’m not afraid of competition, that’s what makes us free, unlike dictatorships like Russia, China, Cuba, or North Korea. The Free World can handle it, unlike you people.
Enjoy your echo chamber tankie
lol this is a joke right? It’s so ridiculous but it also somehow seems like you might be serious.
Its funny that you would think this is a joke. There’s nothing remotely funny about standing up for FREE SPEECH. If you go after the Nazis whose next? The KKK? You ever hear of the ACLU? They stand up for the KKK’s rights and they are proud liberals. Because they know its slippery slope. So joke all you want about coming for the nazis I’m going with the Constitution and the Rule of Law
(I am actually joking)
in general if you see a hexbear user going to the mat defending an arch liberal position (
) it’s either a goof or a troll
even here in moscow i’m not safe from you people. Товарищ Путин, активируйте шпалы КГБ немедленно!
WORMS and killing MAGATS
a paring I didn’t know I needed
Oh shit I didn’t get that this was worms. Man, there is a blast from the past.
I don’t know if it’s from WORMS but the over exaggerating weapons with the worm like head coming from the ground only bring me to that conclusion
That’s a pretty interesting mustache in the first panel.
Michael Jordan would’ve had greater success taking back the toothbrush mustache if he carried a rocket launcher.
"These socialists, they’re the real fascists! They threatened and bullied me all over a simple difference of opinion!
The difference of opinion:
This is why I have no sympathy for Tankies. Their ideology has caused the death of tens of millions and we should not allow that to happen again just for the sake of “tolerance”.
This is the dumbest stra-man circle-jerk fart-sniffing hate-porn I’ve seen yet here. Nazis don’t exist — they are a figment of the past. Neither do the caricature archetypes of the commentariat.
The most offensive part isn’t even the blatant lies, it’s the laziness. This 2-minutes is just so Goddamn unbelievably lazy.Hold this ban my guy.
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Way to fail logic 101. An instigator is not equivalent to a responder, dumbass.
No, someone just living their life with a colorful shirt on IS NOT hurting you. People being with who they love DOES NOT hurt you. Grow up.
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Nope, I responded to the obvious commonly interpreted flippantly dismissive subtext to your comment. Or do you think all those downvotes were because people disagree with the concept of the Paradox of Tolerance?
…is exactly the sort of brain dead take that let Nazis fester the first time round.
You don’t give space to those who will take space away from others without cause.
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Explain instead of being high and mighty about it. What did I misunderstand?
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Yeah, that was fairly unclear, which is why you’re original comment has so many downvotes. Even this response is hard to parse. It sounds like you’re saying intolerance of the intolerant is fine, since they cancel out. Which is, yeah, that’s the sentiment.
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Tolerance is a two way fucking street
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Cancelling out the intolerant? Sign me up!
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