When Beehaw was first launched our disk usage (physical space on the server) was approximately 45%.
Right now we are up to 72% and this will continue to climb over time.
At the moment, I can only see two options. Firstly, go up an additional tier with our server host which would increase the monthly hosting cost.
Secondly, figure out a way to remove old and inactive posts. Hopefully, there is a batch process for this or something similar. I’m not an expert in this area, sadly.
What are your thoughts?
How much are the server costs?
I think it is fine to delete inactive posts, but it might be a problem if some has favorited a post that is later automatically deleted.
All of our financials are transparent and can be viewed here.
The server costs are roughly $6 per month.
how much more is the next tier of storage?
An additional $6 raising it to $12 per month.
Yes it was the main reason for me moving my VPS hosting from Digital Ocean to Hostworld. I paid a bit less and got 100 GB of storage vs I think Digital Ocean’s 80GB. I’m on their VPS-3 tier.