This might sound like a question inspired by current events, but Iā€™ve actually been thinking of this for a while and can give pointers to a few times I had asked this or talked about it.

The people who the masses look up to seem to have a strange way of dishing out their opinions/approval/disapproval of the groups of the world. Some groups can get away with being considered good no matter how negative their actions are while other groups are stuck with a high disapproval rating no matter how much good they might do, and a discussion on whether ā€œcultureā€ or a ā€œcultā€ is involved almost always comes up.

An example of this is the relationship between Islam and Scientology, in fact this is the most infamous one I can link to having spoken about. People on a certain side of the thinktank spectrum (the same side Lemmy seems to lean towards at times) are quick to criticize Scientology even though they consider ā€œclassic Islamic philosophyā€, for a lack of a better way to put it without generalizing, as not inspiring a call for critique to see how one may change it. And Iā€™ve always wondered, why? One at times leads people to trying to exterminate innocent groups, the other one is just ā€œSpace Gnosticismā€ that has a few toxic aspects but hasnā€™t actually eliminated anyone. Of course, Iā€™m not defending either one, but certainly Iā€™d rather live in a stressful environment than one that actively targets me.

This question has been asked a few times, sometimes without me but sometimes when Iā€™m around to be involved, and they always say (and itā€™s in my dumb voice that I quote them) ā€œwell Scientology is a cult, of course we can criticize themā€ and then a bit about how whatever other thing is being talked about is a part of culture. This doesnā€™t sit well with my way of thinking. I was taught to judge people by the content of their character, in other words their virtues, so in my mind, a good X is better than a bad Y, in this case a good cult should be better than a good culture, right? Right?

In fact, as what many might call a mild misanthrope, Iā€™d flip it around and point out how, over the course of human history, alongside seemingly objectively questionable quirks people just brush off (like Japan for a while has been genociding dolphins for their meat value just above extinction ā€œbecause itā€™s cultureā€ or how there are people in China who still think dinosaur bones are a form of medicine waiting to be ground up), no group/culture has kept their innocence intact, every country having had genocides or unnecessary wars or something of the like, things they ALLOW to happen by design. Then they turn around and tell so-called ā€œcultsā€, even the ones that have their priorities on straight compared to cultures, that they are pariahs and shouldnā€™t count on thriving, even though their status is one that doesnā€™t necessitate gaining any kind of guilt. I was a pariah growing up, almost everyone else revolved around a select few people that seemed in-tune to the culture, and they would say anyone who revolved around people outside the group (me for example) was ā€œfollowing a cultā€, and this hurt at the time, but now seeing all the wars going on right now, I might consider this a compliment.

My question, even though it by definition might make affirming answerers question whether they are pariahs or a part of the cultural arena, is why does nobody agree? Why are cultures ā€œalways preciousā€ while cults are ā€œalways suspiciousā€?

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeOP
    1 year ago

    I just did that again itā€™s the whole first paragraph that was basically just questions. And you never asked, you just made assertions. PS I shouldnā€™t need to do that because you are perfectly capable of going back, finding questions, and rethinking whether you addressed them.

    Unless, of course, I believed I already addressed them, and my answers I did provide in my previous reply were paraphrasings of things I already said.

    Right youā€™re not getting the question.

    Kinda proves my point, doesnā€™t it? You leave the interpreting to me and wonder why you get misinterpreted after I ask you to elaborate.

    Everyone already knows youā€™re thinking about comparing cults and Islam.

    You say that like there is no instant access to the many other replies Iā€™ve gotten on this thread. Youā€™re the only one here with the objection you imply you have. The only one. ā€œEveryone already knows you perceive danger from Islamā€ is false, again the other replies are readable, not only do I not assume all Muslims are the same but everyone else does agree something is afoot today with the culture. The keyword being culture.

    So no, you didnā€™t answer that question, which was clearly asking you to concretize your veiled statements.

    Again, proving my point I moments ago mentioned you proved.

    But okay, what comes to mind for you is Palestine. Nobody is surprised that you chose this moment to share denigrating opinions towards the people of Palestine. Again, Iā€™m not stupid, but you are being cagey.

    Iā€™m guessing this is personal for you. Yeah, I chose this moment, because this kind of thing is currently more vivid on peoplesā€™ minds.

    Do you see how my descriptions of racist islamophobia and its purveyors are relevant? An entire population is facing occupation and genocide and your first thoughts are about how to be afraid of and denigrate them, supposedly due to their culture and religion, and conflating them with the entirety of Islam (hmmm lumping very different cultures and ethnicities together to dismiss them over fears, I wonder what that is).

    To think I merely gave Islamic culture as an example of a broader topic and I incur your anger. Israel and Palestine are both somewhat guilty, the difference is one is the only state of its kind and not only does the other one follow a philosophical system followed by a whole area of the world but is also currently backed by Russia and North Korea, one of which is a nation with a machiavellian agenda while the other is a historically infamous human rights mess itself.

    Doubling down to say ā€œI donā€™t need to distinguish Islamic countriesā€ is an interesting choice.

    in-groups =/= cultures =/= countries

    Your paragraph above doesnā€™t really answer the yes or no question. Seems like it might be no? Who knows, you are afraid to speak plainly.

    Youā€™re proving that one point again.

    You have no mental image of the people you fear would oppress you if you lived there? You donā€™t know what people vaguely in the middle east (apparently what youā€™re referring to) look like?

    Must I? Iā€™m trying not to generalize. Especially ethnicity. Are you asking me to?

    Anyways this question was intended to make you confront the cultural and ethnic diversity you were glossing over by lumping all of Islam together and you didnā€™t answer it in any way earlier.

    So in other words you set up a trap and I avoided it? Iā€™m not understanding. This isnā€™t about race. Iā€™m not against any race. To say I am isā€¦ kinda generalizing. Culture is not race. Hawaii is an Asian-majority state, does that make it less Hawaiian culture than it was generations before? Aspects of peoplesā€™ biology is just not on my mind in any part of this.

    Another question that was intended for you to think a little more deeply (and you didnā€™t answer before). Your entire understanding of Islam in the middle east is just that they all believe the Quran? The generous interpretation is that you know thereā€™s diversity and this is the commonality, but I think we both know thatā€™s not what youā€™re thinking, especially given your comment about whatā€™s in it.

    The whole point of not generalizing is to apply as few assumptions as possible, so yeah, all of Islamic culture has the Quran in common and nothing more. Again, are you asking me to generalize now?

    Have you actually read the Quran? The Hadith? The history of tolerance in Palestine and surrounding countries? The origins of fundamentalism that I mentioned in my earlier responses? (These are rhetorical, you obviously donā€™t and are not curious).

    Yes, I have read hundreds of works on this, enough that I can engage in conversations such as my tweet here and all the replies itā€™s replying to, so no need to attack me with the remark that I must not for personal sake.

    Inevitably, I have looked at the Quran to look for answers as well. Muhammadā€™s darker moments are context-specific, but that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re not there and used to justify said human rights relapses.

    The hadith is worse in this regard, though I wasnā€™t even thinking of it, as many places in the Ummah, fortunately, donā€™t even consider it unquestionable. It has the same problem as Paulā€™s books in the Bible canon, in that it was written by authorities who wanted to put insertions in a growing movement.

    Tolerance has varied in Palestine and surrounding countries throughout history, but in every point in history, theyā€™ve always had at least a few people who they downplay, yet even the fact that any point in a groupā€™s history has systemic homicide makes it worst than your regular cult, none of which have any distinction of weeding out minorities on such a scale, again (for a fourth time) the point of my question being the worthiness of cultures versus cults.

    Also, not sure if youā€™re trying to imply theyā€™re not in the Ummah, but I should point out Southeast Asia is in the same sphere of influence. They, though, have been far, far better about how to treat minorities and only someone who is generalizing wouldnā€™t give them an honorable mention.

    So, islamophobia?

    Read the above.

    Wrong. You just have to generalize by, say, ignorantly lumping all Islamic countries together to make a false claim.

    Then itā€™s a good thing I didnā€™t do that, now isnā€™t it?

    Though you certainly are leaning on right wing stereotypes of Muslims.

    Put me on record as pointing out youā€™re the very first person to bring politics into this. In the words of almost every Democratic candidate in the past two decades, human rights are not a political issue.

    Yeah you donā€™t seem to understand what asking means. Are you confused about that all the time or only when contradicted?

    I asked you in the reply of mine after the one where I cued you. You did acknowledge what my intentions were at the time too, namely when you told me to review it myself, so contradiction seems to be a theme here.

    I was hoping youā€™d try to make that meaningless distinction. You think I donā€™t know why you use that source? lol

    Case in point. You call it a meaningless distinction, but in practice itā€™s generalization. I had seen the post before and googled it to get it again, thatā€™s why the post you saw is the one you got.

    If done intentionally, putting words in someoneā€™s mouth regarding their views is what someone does when they have nothing they can say in response to their actual words.

    Yessss I was hoping for an erroneous reference to a logical fallacy. Surprised it didnā€™t come up earlier. I know your type very well, lol.

    Your replies where you assume my whole political ideology, culture, race, religion, and intentions would certainly suggest you think you do, but I have more proof to the contrary. Both in the form of my ability to speak for myself and links to me talking about my past viewed. Which makes it exactly how you describe strawmen in your definition.

    On the contrary, Iā€™ve been trying to get your cagey butt to acknowledge what youā€™ve been hinting at and criticizing the positions I know are behind them. This is because you arenā€™t fooling anyone with your veiled and general references, there are real humans here that know what islamophobic, chsuvinist ā€œskepticā€ grifters say and do and have actually had to spend time defending their communities from the braying racism youā€™re trying to both show and hide.

    You think you know who I am? Prove it, with evidence (not just your word about my word versus my word about my word). Iā€™ve been debating for a decade and a half, surely you can find evidence. Or you can acknowledge that, as I say again, that the OP is simply about cultures versus cults (in general).

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Unless, of course, I believed I already addressed them, and my answers I did provide in my previous reply were paraphrasings of things I already said.

      Weā€™ve now entered the pathological lying portion of coping with contradiction. You didnā€™t answer several of those questions in any form and made confused passes at a couple out of order.

      Kinda proves my point, doesnā€™t it? You leave the interpreting to me and wonder why you get misinterpreted after I ask you to elaborate.

      Uh yeah you do have to interpret questions in order to answer them thatā€™s how the game of question-answer works.

      You say that like there is no instant access to the many other replies Iā€™ve gotten on this thread. Youā€™re the only one here with the objection you imply you have. The only one.

      Wrong. Check out those upvote ratios, lib.

      ā€œEveryone already knows you perceive danger from Islamā€ is false, again the other replies are readable, [ā€¦]

      There is no contradiction even though youā€™re acting like there is one.

      Again, proving my point I moments ago mentioned you proved.

      Your point where you feign incompetence to avoid answering a question?

      Iā€™m guessing this is personal for you. Yeah, I chose this moment, because this kind of thing is currently more vivid on peoplesā€™ minds.


      To think I merely gave Islamic culture as an example (ā€¦)

      You have still failed to internalize that there is no such thing as singular Islamic culture. Youā€™re doing the racist thing right here and now. You canā€™t help yourself.

      Israel and Palestine are both somewhat guilty (ā€¦)

      Oh, I donā€™t care about your ignorant opinions on Israel and Palestine.

      in-groups =/= cultures =/= countries


      Must I? Iā€™m trying not to generalize. Especially ethnicity. Are you asking me to?

      I was calling attention to the fact that Islam is multi-ethnic and global in contrast to your lazy and racist statements.

      So in other words you set up a trap and I avoided it? Iā€™m not understanding.

      I suppose you would think that challenging your false assumptions is some kind of trap, lol.

      This isnā€™t about race. Iā€™m not against any race. To say I am isā€¦ kinda generalizing. Culture is not race. Hawaii is an Asian-majority state, does that make it less Hawaiian culture than it was generations before? Aspects of peoplesā€™ biology is just not on my mind in any part of this.

      And yet you conflated islamic culture and being vaguely middle eastern. Of course youā€™re being racist. Only someone who has no idea how race is socially constructed could disagree.

      Race has never been about biology btw.

      The whole point of not generalizing [ā€¦]

      I am describing what youā€™ve done, you just donā€™t like the characterization.

      Yes, I have read hundreds of works on this, enough that I can engage in conversations such as my tweet here and all the replies itā€™s replying to, so no need to attack me with the remark that I must not for personal sake.

      ā€œI have read hundreds of works on thisā€ is weirdly not an answer to my question and makes me wonder what the ā€œyesā€ means. If you are claiming to have read the Quran and the Hadith, as in all of it, I donā€™t believe you. You have demonstrated nothing but ignorance of Islam and incuriosity.

      Who knows what that tweet is supposed to demonstrate.

      [A strange set of seemingly random statements about the Quran and Hadith]

      Cool this jives with my position that youā€™ve exclusively read other peopleā€™s opinions.

      Tolerance has varied in Palestine and surrounding countries throughout history, but in every point in history, theyā€™ve always had at least a few people who they downplay,

      Who is ā€œtheyā€? What does it mean that they downplayed a few people? None of this makes sense.

      yet even the fact that any point in a groupā€™s history has systemic homicide [ā€¦]

      None of this makes any sense. It is not coherent thoughts.

      Also, not sure if youā€™re trying to imply theyā€™re not in the Ummah, but I should point out Southeast Asia is in the same sphere of influence.

      A sphere of influence has an influencer, which is required to understand the claim, but you donā€™t list one.

      They, though, have been far, far better about how to treat minorities and only someone who is generalizing wouldnā€™t give them an honorable mention.

      Except you did generalize and in fact keep doing it over and over again. You canā€™t rhetoric your past and current statements out of existence.

      Then itā€™s a good thing I didnā€™t do that, now isnā€™t it?

      Except you did.

      Put me on record as pointing out youā€™re the very first person to bring politics into this. In the words of almost every Democratic candidate in the past two decades, human rights are not a political issue.

      1. This post and thread is inherently political. Impressive that you donā€™t understand that.

      2. Why should I respect the opinion of Democratic candidates?

      3. Human rights are 100% political. In fact, the term itself is used in an exclusively political way. Have you ever noticed how only non-Western-aligned countries are the only ones described as violating human rights?

      I asked you in the reply of mine after the one where I cued you.

      I will help you understand what asking is. If it doesnā€™t have a question mark, you didnā€™t ask for it.

      Case in point. You call it a meaningless distinction, but in practice itā€™s generalization. I had seen the post before and googled it to get it again, thatā€™s why the post you saw is the one you got.

      Generalization is not inherently bad and is in fact necessary for someone to learn anything. Learning things like what kind of person thinks Sam Harris isnā€™t an embarrassment and uses his subreddit as a source.

      A generalization is bad when itā€™s reactionary and dehumanizing, like being racist.

      If done intentionally, putting words in someoneā€™s mouth regarding their views is what someone does when they have nothing they can say in response to their actual words.

      Did I make up the fact that you cited the Sam Harris subreddit? You know, the subreddit dedicated to the infamous islamophobe? The ā€œskepticā€ who uses the same language you do? Folks that jump at the chance to identify a perceived logical fallacy?

      Your replies where you assume my whole political ideology

      I havenā€™t mentioned your political ideology. I would wager that it is incoherent and immature. But you are embedded in a reactionary and islamophobic subculture somewhere, one in the orbit of self-proclaimed skeptics or rationalists.


      Not difficult to guess given what people worry about a vague conglomeration of Muslims coming to their country and making things dangerous.

      [my] race, religion

      Nope havenā€™t said anything about those


      Easy to interpret from your caginess and use of multiple racist and xenophobic tropes.

      would certainly suggest you think you do, but I have more proof to the contrary. Both in the form of my ability to speak for myself and links to me talking about my past viewed.

      These are not in contradiction with what I said.

      Which makes it exactly how you describe strawmen in your definition.

      Except itā€™s not because the things Iā€™m criticizing are the things youā€™re actually writing down right here on the internet.

      You think you know who I am? Prove it, with evidence (not just your word about my word versus my word about my word). Iā€™ve been debating for a decade and a half, surely you can find evidence.

      No thanks. Donā€™t care and I already have enough info for my personal satisfaction.

      Iā€™m just letting you know that this is all unoriginal and Iā€™m already very familiar with it, right down to the obsessive sophistry to avoid admitting any kind of error whatsoever.

      Or you can acknowledge that, as I say again, that the OP is simply about cultures versus cults (in general).

      Nah Iā€™ll stick with the truth.

      • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeOP
        1 year ago

        Weā€™ve now entered the pathological lying portion of coping with contradiction. You didnā€™t answer several of those questions in any form and made confused passes at a couple out of order.

        Itā€™s easy to say that all one wants about someone theyā€™re talking to if no second opinion is granted or if ignoring all the other replies, so Iā€™ll take someone elseā€™s word for it. You donā€™t come across as a semanticist.

        Uh yeah you do have to interpret questions in order to answer them thatā€™s how the game of question-answer works.

        If only I was referring to that.

        Wrong. Check out those upvote ratios, lib.

        I did, semi-anonymous upvotes and downvotes (whose unreliability is ironically consistent enough it can be relied upon and arenā€™t even particularly plentiful in this case but also which can be seen in the modlog) donā€™t change my statement about replies and repliers.

        Also, the fact Iā€™m accused of being a lib while also being accused of being right winged suggests this is about dislike for me somehow and not an actual point.

        There is no contradiction even though youā€™re acting like there is one.

        ā€¦as opposed to?

        Your point where you feign incompetence to avoid answering a question?

        No, but thank you for asking.

        You have still failed to internalize that there is no such thing as singular Islamic culture. Youā€™re doing the racist thing right here and now. You canā€™t help yourself.

        Iā€™m sorry, I meant metaculture (happy?).

        Oh, I donā€™t care about your ignorant opinions on Israel and Palestine.

        I couldnā€™t tell based on your comments bringing it up.

        I was calling attention to the fact that Islam is multi-ethnic and global in contrast to your lazy and racist statements.

        Then why ask?

        I suppose you would think that challenging your false assumptions is some kind of trap, lol.

        You implied it was.

        And yet you conflated islamic culture and being vaguely middle eastern. Of course youā€™re being racist. Only someone who has no idea how race is socially constructed could disagree.

        Youā€™re reading too much into the simple act of someone pointing a finger.

        Race has never been about biology btw.

        Uhm, yeah, Iā€™ll definitely let the Lemmy world get back to you on that one, especially considering race has sadly been dragged into the topic of eugenics and considering the ongoing debate of whether transracial identity is valid.

        ā€œI have read hundreds of works on thisā€ is weirdly not an answer to my question and makes me wonder what the ā€œyesā€ means.

        Because it goes with the ā€œyesā€, my argumentatively novice friend.

        If you are claiming to have read the Quran and the Hadith, as in all of it, I donā€™t believe you. You have demonstrated nothing but ignorance of Islam and incuriosity.

        I can name the verses people cite in order to justify violence. I donā€™t NEED to see anything else to criticize these verses. Yet I have read enough from the Quran/Hadith that you can quiz me on them.

        I have doubts youā€™ll answer this, but tell me for the sake of suggesting consistency, by your logic, are the people who use select verses to justify violence (or anything else) ignorant of the group they claim to be a part of since they too imply that much of the book has a very different attitudeā€¦ especially considering the fact thereā€™s a longstanding speculation amongst scholars that the final chapters of the Quran were written by Muhammadā€™s hostile in-laws (through Aisha) who wanted to make him seem more like them?

        Who knows what that tweet is supposed to demonstrate.

        Exactly what it says on the tin.

        Cool this jives with my position that youā€™ve exclusively read other peopleā€™s opinions.

        Or that multiple people can, I donā€™t know, come to the same opinions on things. Itā€™s not rocket science, and you didnā€™t even quote anything there.

        None of this makes any sense. It is not coherent thoughts.

        Maybe because thatā€™s not the complete sentence.

        A sphere of influence has an influencer, which is required to understand the claim, but you donā€™t list one.

        Ahem, this guy perhaps?

        Except you did generalize and in fact keep doing it over and over again. You canā€™t rhetoric your past and current statements out of existence.

        ā€¦as opposed to?

        Except you did.

        ā€¦as opposed to?

        This post and thread is inherently political.

        Then why insert religion into the mix, hmm?

        Why should I respect the opinion of Democratic candidates?

        You accuse me of being right wing, then of being a liberal, then ask me why you should respect the position of Democratic candidates? How does one please you?

        Human rights are 100% political. In fact, the term itself is used in an exclusively political way.

        They are politicized, but that isnā€™t the same as saying they are destined to be political by design. I believe in a world where faith, race, ethnicity, medical condition, politics, family, etc. donā€™t play a role in how someone is treated. If youā€™re judging someone by the contents of their character, you donā€™t need to know any of these things about someone, and if someone feels they must persecute a fact of life/biology/society such as oneā€™s ethnicity or medical condition in order for their doctrine so-to-speak to work, can we even call it practical since types of people who are part and parcel to the human experience serve as a kryptonite to said doctrine?

        Have you ever noticed how only non-Western-aligned countries are the only ones described as violating human rights?

        Thatā€™s a generalization, is it not? You can tell me if your sentiments are personal or not.

        Easily I can name Western countries that engage in human rights abuses, in fact most of them did at some time, from Britain and the famine of India to the US and its early 1800ā€™s/1900ā€™s eugenics program to the fact Canada wasnā€™t allowing people with medical conditions to immigrate there until covid happened.

        I will help you understand what asking is. If it doesnā€™t have a question mark, you didnā€™t ask for it.

        Then itā€™s settled.

        Generalization is not inherently bad and is in fact necessary for someone to learn anything. Learning things like what kind of person thinks Sam Harris isnā€™t an embarrassment and uses his subreddit as a source.

        A broken clock is right twice a day, eh?

        Did I make up the fact that you cited the Sam Harris subreddit? You know, the subreddit dedicated to the infamous islamophobe? The ā€œskepticā€ who uses the same language you do? Folks that jump at the chance to identify a perceived logical fallacy?

        No, but you did make up several other things about me and what I have been saying/implying (reread this whole reply section for more on that). One of these being the notion that I didnā€™t link to a post from that subreddit coincidentally. You hate the subreddit obviously, but what do you say about the post itself (aside from it being in its subreddit)?

        I havenā€™t mentioned your political ideology. I would wager that it is incoherent and immature.

        Ahem, you variously accused me of being right wing and a liberal. Iā€™m starting to question how sound you think you are.

        But you are embedded in a reactionary and islamophobic subculture somewhere, one in the orbit of self-proclaimed skeptics or rationalists.

        You would be surprised (ainā€™t that an understatement)

        Easy to interpret from your caginess and use of multiple racist and xenophobic tropes.

        Keyword here is ā€œinterpretā€. Youā€™re not concluding anything without a doubt.

        These are not in contradiction with what I said.

        But they are assumptions.

        Except itā€™s not because the things Iā€™m criticizing are the things youā€™re actually writing down right here on the internet.

        Things I say =/= interpretations of things I say

        No thanks. Donā€™t care and I already have enough info for my personal satisfaction. Iā€™m just letting you know that this is all unoriginal and Iā€™m already very familiar with it, right down to the obsessive sophistry to avoid admitting any kind of error whatsoever.

        Directly goes against your claims of not assuming anything about me or my politics/culture/etc.

        Iā€™ll give you a demonstration/example of your lack of the knowledge you claim you can infer from me about me. I can guarantee nowhere in your info does it say Iā€™m on the socialism spectrum. Did you see that coming? Now, if youā€™re still confident you can infer things from me, can you guess my exact philosophy?

        Nah Iā€™ll stick with the truth.

        You mean headcanon?

        • Maoo [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          Itā€™s easy to say that all one wants about someone theyā€™re talking to if no second opinion is granted or if ignoring all the other replies, so Iā€™ll take someone elseā€™s word for it. You donā€™t come across as a semanticist.

          1. Deflection.

          2. Incomprehensible.

          If only I was referring to that.

          Itā€™s what you said donā€™t blame me

          I did, semi-anonymous upvotes and downvotes (whose unreliability is ironically consistent enough it can be relied upon and arenā€™t even particularly plentiful in this case but also which can be seen in the modlog) donā€™t change my statement about replies and repliers.

          It means Iā€™m not the only one with my sentiment (your claim) and that people think your comments are bad. This is obvious. Your primary tactic in disagreement is to refuse to even try to understand very simple things or look for some pointless technicality. This is a dishonest thing to do, you know.

          Also, the fact Iā€™m accused of being a lib while also being accused of being right winged suggests this is about dislike for me somehow and not an actual point.

          You should learn to ask questions when you donā€™t understand something, as you seem to be unfamiliar with the vast majority of things that you want to have an opinion on. Calling you liberal and subscribing to right wing end reactionary talking points is entirely consistent, you just donā€™t know what I mean by liberal. Letā€™s see if you can figure out how to acquire this information!

          ā€¦as opposed to?

          This makes no sense. What is your point or question?

          Iā€™m sorry, I meant metaculture (happy?).

          Suuuuuure you did. 10 comments deep trying to do a little dance and youā€™d like to revise your claim to an esoteric term used by like 200 people on the planet and where is entirely opaque if not oxymoronic in how it would even apply to all of the things youā€™ve said.

          A simpler explanation: you donā€™t handle being wrong very well.

          I couldnā€™t tell based on your comments bringing it up.

          Glad we sorted it out then

          Then why ask?

          The quote youā€™re responding to literally says why. More feigned incompetence.

          You implied it was.

          Please donā€™t lie. Lying is bad.

          Youā€™re reading too much into the simple act of someone pointing a finger.

          Itā€™s just the same thing over and over again. Lying and deflecting. Pointless little quips. Incomprehensible statements from a confused mind.

          Racist conflation is not ā€œthe simple act of someone pointing a fingerā€, but your behavior in claiming it is as good a reason as any to give up on you as being a pathological liar with no capacity to self-criticize or even go through the motions of a conversation.

          Because this has become so repetitive and the blocking point is your bad faith behavior, Iā€™ll just dismiss you and stop replying. May you someday have the courage of your convictions and until then shut your trap.

          • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeOP
            1 year ago

            Itā€™s what you said donā€™t blame me

            Youā€™re not the authority of what I say/mean. Alone, perhaps youā€™ll never realize this. Hence the part before it about taking someone elseā€™s word for it, which you claimed was deflection.

            It means Iā€™m not the only one with my sentiment (your claim) and that people think your comments are bad. This is obvious. Your primary tactic in disagreement is to refuse to even try to understand very simple things or look for some pointless technicality. This is a dishonest thing to do, you know.

            Replies prove that, not upvotes and downvotes. Only words can clarify someoneā€™s reasoning. Votes are not a language, nor are they an argument. I donā€™t even see downvotes anywhere this time around.

            you just donā€™t know what I mean by liberal. Letā€™s see if you can figure out how to acquire this information!

            Alright, letā€™s make a trade. Rather than put words in your mouth, I will ask you about the things you say and accept you as the sole authority of your own words. In return, I ask you to ask me about the things I say and accept me as the sole authority of my own words. Do we have a deal?

            This makes no sense. What is your point or question?

            The words ā€œā€¦as opposed toā€ are asked when someone is singling out one individual, entity, or action that one would expect to exist under the same rules as others which have not received the same credit or blame. I said that a number of times because it was therefore fitting to ask a number of times.

            Suuuuuure you did. 10 comments deep trying to do a little dance and youā€™d like to revise your claim to an esoteric term used by like 200 people on the planet and where is entirely opaque if not oxymoronic in how it would even apply to all of the things youā€™ve said. A simpler explanation: you donā€™t handle being wrong very well.

            Youā€™d have to prove someone wrong first, but instead youā€™re trying to belittle, something people do when they cannot handle being wrong.

            The quote youā€™re responding to literally says why. More feigned incompetence.

            So you asked me, in response to a reply that wasnā€™t about race on a post that wasnā€™t about Palestine or even Islam in general except for an example, what race I see Muslims in the same reply as you accuse me of generalization, and when I say I donā€™t see them as any race in particular, not only do you claim the purpose of the question went over my head, but you say you asked because my answer was correct, as if belittling it was pointless?

            Please donā€™t lie. Lying is bad.

            If it wasnā€™t, my point above this one is where the confusion lies. No attempt at lying here, thereā€™s already been so much of that lately.

            Itā€™s just the same thing over and over again. Lying and deflecting. Pointless little quips. Incomprehensible statements from a confused mind.

            Then why do it? Youā€™re the only one in this whole thread with any issue, unless you can point to someone else who has had it. The most desperate form of deflection was using upvotes/downvotes as a point like populists always do.

            Racist conflation is not ā€œthe simple act of someone pointing a fingerā€, but your behavior in claiming it is as good a reason as any to give up on you as being a pathological liar with no capacity to self-criticize or even go through the motions of a conversation.

            Our respective profile/comment feeds say otherwise, even the relevant parts.

            Because this has become so repetitive and the blocking point is your bad faith behavior, Iā€™ll just dismiss you and stop replying. May you someday have the courage of your convictions and until then shut your trap.

            Donā€™t tell me to shut up, youā€™re not my mom.

            • Doubledee [comrade/them]
              1 year ago

              Then why do it? Youā€™re the only one in this whole thread with any issue, unless you can point to someone else who has had it. The most desperate form of deflection was using upvotes/downvotes as a point like populists always do.

              But they arenā€™t the only person here with an issue. My comment wasnā€™t as confrontational but I also clearly raised a red flag at the question being asked and the reasons people start asking these kinds of questions. I also see what youā€™re doing. I just donā€™t want to spend the next week doing this thing youā€™re calling a debate.

              • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeOP
                1 year ago

                My comparison between Scientology and the sphere of Islamic thought was nothing more than an example of what I was asking in the OP, no matter how partially inspired the act of asking the question was by current events, and to say I had more of a motive than that is to read too much into it by assuming my mind and put words in my mouth, especially considering I named other cultural spheres in replies to other comments. Note that even their first few comments goes on to do things like assume my culture and undermine my capacity, so youā€™re right, it would be generous to call this a debate.

                Questioning someoneā€™s motives is like diagnosing a medical condition, you just cannot do it impersonally without some doubt when compared to doing it personally, but in the case of the former, you can always ask questions. I wouldā€™ve (and in fact have) dispelled the fears the two of you had, unless someone is insisting someone else has the authority to be my proxy even despite my objections.