For me its when my family flew in for my graduation and they also decided to meet my sister’s in-laws. After graduation we were supposed to go to a restaurant. The ceremony was supposed to last two hours but stretched to four and we were about to miss our reservation. My sister pressured me to leave even tho I didnt have a chance to take pictures with friends and such. I have mostly moved on but honestly a part of me still hates her for it.

  • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    11 months ago

    When the state kicked me and my family out of our home after my father shot himself because he couldn’t afford the mortgage, then the rest of the family called me and my brother fuckups for years while we struggled to survive at the ages of 17 and 19 with no help from any of them because of bootstraps.

    Then we both ended up doing alright for ourselves and getting into good careers (still barely affording rent, but not utterly destitute in a slum). He died of an OD after a relapse a few months back and the family that shunned us acted like he was just hiding being a fuckup this whole time and never deserved their respect.

    Still a bit bitter about that.

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    11 months ago

    When I was 16 I was backing out in a parking lot when an old woman backed into the front of my car. I didn’t call insurance or the cops or anything because it was a tiny scratch on my 25 year old car with broken AC. She however, lied to the insurance company and they believed her that it was my fault, because they always assume teenage boys are at fault.

    My car was still in reverse when we collided, and she hit the front of my car, so it’s 100% impossible for me to be at fault. The insurance company paid several thousand dollars to replace her bumper that just had a small scratch on the paint.

    This also makes me question the statistics about accident demographics. It seems entirely reasonable that teen boys are the most accident prone, but now I wonder what percentage of those accidents have blame wrongly placed?

    • buckykat [none/use name]
      11 months ago

      Some years back, I got hit while riding a skateboard in a bike lane by a lady driving an SUV in the oncoming lane turning left across me with no signal and no slowing down. I managed to twist enough that I hit her door panel with my back and bounced off and only got scraped up instead of crushed. My laptop in my backpack and one wheel of my board were destroyed, though. At the scene she was very apologetic and offered to replace my laptop immediately, then drove me down to microcenter and bought me a new laptop before driving me home.

      Then a couple days later she filed an insurance claim against my parent’s homeowner’s insurance. I explained it all to them and they must have handled it because they never bothered us about it again.

  • g_g [they/them]
    11 months ago

    more light hearted than the others but still meets the title -

    vacuuming has always been my favorite chore and I used to love to do it for my mom when i was a little kid. one day she was picking me up from daycare and I overheard her telling the worker there about how bad i was at vacuuming deeper-sadness

    I never forgave her for it. went no contact years ago over waaaay worse shit. I don’t think about any of that much… but I think about that event every single time I vacuum lol

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    11 months ago

    I’ve mostly let go of bitterness, but I still think back on how all throughout my childhood adults failed to do anything at all about me being bullied even when I reported it, a thing I learned quickly was not to be done unless I wanted bullying to get worse.

    I’m kinda broken now, socially. I have very few friends and feel crippled in social situations by the fear of doing or saying something wrong and betraying myself as a weirdo who deserves to be ostracized. I’m fixing myself and have learned that bitterness is like a pus that needs to be drained from a wound. But damn is there a lot left.

  • GaveUp [love/loves]
    11 months ago

    Parents never doing shit for me mentally and just providing housing and food. So many signs I was autistic and depressed since I was a child yet the only responses to those symptoms were just physical fights, locking me out the house, and calling me useless and a complete waste of life all the time. They’ve always ignored doctors and coped that I was “perfect” and “special/unique because I was too smart” and dumb shit like that

    But the thing I’m really bitter about now is how they just pretend like everything is okay now. They stopped the hitting and yelling once I was old enough to harm them during the fights and they act like they’ve always been good parents cause I did the whole good school -> successful career thing so obviously it was cause they raised me well right?

    I’d cut them off but I kinda want the house. It’s small and it took them their entire lives to pay off but it’s worth like half a mill now so shrug-outta-hecks

    • HexbearGPT [comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      I feel ya. Trying to forgive is always the best with family cuz you only get one. Good luck on working to have a different/better relationship with them as an adult.

  • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    11 months ago

    Ouch yea… the in-laws aren’t going anywhere…

    I don’t have that much to be bitter about but your story reminded me of something that happened to a good friend of mine. they have a complex, sorta fucked up relationship with their immediate family, and on their wedding night, they had booked the venue for the reception late into the night, and their whole immediate family just left at like 7 or 8 pm without even saying goodbye, doing any dancing or mingling, etc. Even random in laws, friends, etc. stayed longer than that… Theres a lot more context with the sibling and stuff that I won’t go into but it was just heartbreaking like wtf

  • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    I spent the last year falling in love with someone who spent the same time falling in love with someone else and it’s kind of shitty even though I want her to be happy and she is and she still says she’s “in love with” me which is good but she clearly loves this other guy more and tbh it’s all what I deserve because I have a partner and should probably end it with her instead of just secretly falling in love with someone else but i’m a coward and it’s hard to know what the right decision is and yea im kinda bitter about the whole situation

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    11 months ago

    For some small stuff: We recently held a big celebration for my wife and I’s combined family (think 60ish people) to celebrate the birth of our son. At this event were a bunch of relatives that I rarely get to see, as they almost always decline any invitation I send them for almost any kind of event, so I thought it was a big deal to get to see them. However before I even had a chance to really talk to them, they just left without even saying goodbye or anything. They also haven’t written to me or given any sort of reaction to what happened at that event, and I can definitely feel myself growing more bitter about them the more I think about them.

    For the big stuff: I feel kind of bitter about the fact that my mother in law is a well-meaning fool, who keeps asking my wife for money every month, which my wife then obliges. My mother in law is in quite a lot of debt, and has been struggling to make ends meet ever since she got divorced more than 10-15 years ago, so I completely understand why my wife feels like she needs to help her mother keep a roof above her head. However, every time my wife and I get hit with a rent increase, we bemoan the fact that we are slowly having our savings eaten up with no apparent end in sight. We manage to make it through every month with a small surpluss each, but I definitely don’t feel like there is any progress being made at all, which means I will be a perpetual renter for my entire life, as 1 income is flatly not enough to buy a house in this financialized shithole.