When I was about 4, I began reading about the planets, at this time I initially thought that different countries were on different planets although I soon found this out to be very incorrect. A couple of years later when I was about 7 or 8, I began looking into asteroids and other potential cataclysisms that could result in planetary extinction, to the point where I ended up ringing a nearby friend’s older brother over the landline scared to death after having read about Yellowstone volcano, asking if the supervolcano could explode in the future. Fortunately around the same time I didn’t just have completely ridiculous takes, I also was questioning when researching asteroids that if this could result in the extinction of humanity and civilisation as we know it why we weren’t uniting collectively as a species to wipe the threat out or be ready when the possibility does emerge in the future.

I remember asking my parents why people couldn’t collectively deal with this issue but their response was that you need to pay them but my response was that that shouldn’t be a worry and we can just have that sorted out and allow the conditions such that people would be able to make it their job and would be highly paid. I also thought that we could apply the same idea to space exploration. I also remembering calling a shop by the name of the person who was the main worker in there despite them not being the owner and the owner working there far less and remember also calling the nearest major supermarket the shop of a person I knew who worked there too, that person would then years later end up opening up their own cafe.

When I was about 10, I also remember reading about the Vietnam war and having a vague admiration for the Vietnamese people and their struggle as well as reading about the Soviet Union and thinking that something great happened there which must have clicked after looking into how they consistently were on the right side, also along with that friend I mentioned earlier, being very anti-america and anti-imperialist.

Despite all this, I still ended up falling down the alt-right, anti-sjw rabbithole in late 2015 as the rise of Trump was seen. Thankfully however from 2017 onward I developed out that through youtube, badmouse being significant in getting me out of that pipeline and towards socialism once again although for real this time and since then I have been developing, going through an anarchist phase until several months ago I discovered the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism! and I have since joined a communist youth organisation. I have also created this site which is a masterpost of masterposts.

Wierdly like my second username was revolutionizer86 and I few years later made my minecraft username revoltminer, I also jokingly referred to myself as a communist while still being alt-right leaning, with a few friends. When I was younger throughout primary school I defended people who no one else was and remember being the one person who was on the side of a friend of mine in the class when he was being bullied, everyone else put their hands up in support of the bully when asked by the teacher whos side they were on. So maybe it was always inevitable that I would become a comrade