Taiwan’s foreign minister said last week that the US and Taiwan are in talks on the possibility of the island being brought under Washington’s nuclear umbrella, a step that would make a catastrophic war between the US and China much more likely.

  • @pingveno@lemmy.ml
    -311 months ago

    It depends on what form it takes. Best case, it means Taiwan is deterred from pursuing nuclear weapons with a policy of only using it as mutually assured destruction. As it stands, I’m sure Taiwan is sorely tempted to get some nukes as a deterrence measure. After all, China has millions of citizens with only 100 miles of Taiwan Strait in between them and the shores of Taiwan. That said, it does inch closer to officially recognizing the reality of Taiwan as its own self-governed country.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      111 months ago

      Hope Russia brings Cuba under its nuclear umbrella soon, can’t wait to hear what you’ll have to say about that.