It’s not bad, it’s friggin awesome!
I’m imagining the chest-burster scene from alien, but a it’s a Weasel dressed as a caricature of an early 20th century monopolist.
at least there’s dirt
Considering the anime she’s from, probably violently with one half of a large scissor.
I’m still confused if it’s going to be bad or trippy.
Death goes viral, probably
Shit, I’m choking and I can’t see… what direction am I going?
deleted by creator
Death by snusnu!
im not sure do i get eaten by fish or do i drown in a pile of fish?
You get eaten by that big jumping fish in Super Mario Bros 3.
I…I don’t even know how this would work.
Hit by a car. Which, statistically, is probably a solid guess
If I must die to a fork, it’d be funny if it was this one.
or perhaps stabbed by a table fork?
My username is the German version of a jackalope, so I guess I’m going out monty python style.