Here is the link, let me know if it doesn’t work for some reason. I also have the link in the sidebar.
Also, feel free to join Occupy Lemmy and Company at
Using the Element app on A13, anyone have trouble Verifying Encryption?
Edit: submitted a ticket to Element devs
Every so often it seems to not want to verify, and then eventually it fixes itself randomly.
I’m getting a failed to join error MatrixError: [403] You do not belong to any of the required rooms/spaces to join this room. (!
It was because you needed to be in the Occupy Lemmy space to join. I changed it to not require that. Try again?
Now I’m not invited to the room.
I updated the link. Sorry, not good at this. Try again?
No worries. I’m no better with it. Still erroring. here’s what I get: MatrixError: [403] You are not invited to this room. (!
Should be public now