recent: tears of the kingdom, or as i like to call it botw 1.2, its the same thing all over again just with one or two added gimicks, the open world is dead, npcs are boring and nintendo just got away with it like that
not so recent: i cant stand persona 5, joker and his entourage are annoying teenagers, the time management is a horrible gameplay addition and the artstyle is just a visual overstimulation
with that being said,~~ plz dont kill me~~
Monster Hunter. I don’t understand any of it. I tried rise and generations and I just… I just don’t get it.
For me Skyrim, The Witcher 3, botw and all souls games.
Skyrim never clicked, it just felt buggy and empty and punishing. Trying to climb that mountain just so a yeti can beat you up? Great, here is your save spot form 15 min earlyer, please try again. I know that’s why it’s fun for so many, I just hated it.
The Witcher 3 was too… much dialogue. Most of the time I can play 1-3 hours every couple of days. And in the Witcher you walk 15min through beautiful but otherwise empty forest, killing 1-15 something, walk back and talk like another 15min with the guy who gave you the quest. It’s really deep worldbuilding, but when you don’t have a lot of time it’s more “damn, what happend last?” 5min walking “ah, that happened” takes new quest, so much talking…“ah damn, my hour is gone, so I finish the quest another time.” PC off.
Botw cause the world felt empty and everything broke in an instant and I’m the player ending with 50 healing potions, 10 big scrolls and so on cause MaYbE I’ll need it another time. Doesn’t match with botw. TotK is so much better handling this, cause you can craft any good item in an instant.
And Souls Games are just a broken mess. They’re not hard by default, they’re hard cause of all the buggy and mushy controls. It never feels crisp, it’s just a big blob and maybe your character rolls or maybe it feels like an invisible wall, who knows. Games like Jedi Fallen Order in hard mode or Hollow Knight were so much more fun, cause the controls were crisp and everytime I lost, it was because of me. I did wrong and not some squishi spaghetti code.
I’ll probably get roasted for this but… Pokemon. It just seems like endless copy/paste and might be one of the laziest game franchises I’ve ever seen. I’ve really tried to get into them. I was there when the Pokemon cartoon started, I saw it rise to the phenomenon it is today, but damn if it isn’t the most boring grindfest ever.
I do agree that it’s the same thing recycled over and over.
If anyone does want to play them again, I highly recommend emulating them and accelerating the emulation to 2.5 or 3x speed. Makes it much more tolerable.
That’s a very common complaint for the last, hell I don’t even know, 20 games or whatever.
True, I’m not saying anything I haven’t heard before. It’s just crazy that people keep buying it thinking “Maybe this one will match the memories I had when I was 10.” I guess nostalgia is a powerful drug. Even more powerful than I thought… just looked up the Pokemon franchises worth and it’s estimated at 74 billion. Now I know how boomers feel cause I just don’t get it.
Yeah I don’t get it either. I don’t even get the nostalgia aspect, there are just so many new Pokémon that I feel they completely drown out the ones I grew up with, the first like 250 iirc, I have no desire whatsoever to play the new games.
But I suppose it’s still very popular with kids all around the world as well so there’s that.
Every game after Black and White is copy paste garbage, but everything before that is pretty damn good.
The pokemon fan games have been way more inventive than the mainline games for a while now. I just recently have been getting into pokemon infinite fusion and it’s FANTASTIC
I so badly want to play infinite fusion but I cant seem to get it to work, it crashes everywhere I’ve tried to play :(
Same here, I’ve tried to get into pokemon so many times but I just don’t get it. The games just look so lazily made too
I wanted to say the same; additionally, the games are sooo slow, and everything takes ages compared to most other games.
it doesnt just feel like copy paste, thats quite literally what they are doing, there is plenty of evidence online to show that they do but hey, if you can make whatever low effort thing you want and people still buy it why bother trying?
They get away with the copy-paste because the combat system is fundamentally extremely solid.
The good thing about this is that programming-savvy fans have been creating free fan-games based on the formula for the last decade or so. As with any fan-made content the quality is extremely variable, but I have found some of the newer releases to be genuinely good games, better than anything GameFreak has put out in the last 20 years. Pokémon Unbound is a personal favorite - if you enjoy the fundamentals of the Pokémon games but feel the lack of creativity and puzzle-solving in the official releases I would suggest giving them a look.
I got sick of Hades. Everything that happened in the house before and after runs was great, it was just I shame I had to repeatedly slog through a run for half an hour to get new conversations. I came to the conclusion that roguelikes probably aren’t for me.
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Fallout: NV and Skyrim. People kept recommending them to me but neither really clicked. I put about 20 hours into each before just kinda dropping them and not looking back. Even tried mods since everyone says they’re better modded, but just found I was spending more time modding the games than playing them. Maybe Bethesda games just aren’t my thing.
I agree wholeheartedly. I don’t feel like Bethesda has innovated with their RPGs in a single meaningful way since Oblivion. Every single game they make just feels buggy and samey, and the “systems” don’t make up for the synthetic quality. Games like Prey, Stalker, The Witcher, CP2077 or Elden Ring all take various approaches to the idea of open ended gameplay/questing/story/experience and they all do so many individual things better than Bethesda’s games. I’d rather play a game that gets a few things right, even if they falter elsewhere, than just doing a lot of everything “just okay.”
Here’s hoping Starfield does something genuinely refreshing.
I agree about Skyrim. The entire world feels dead, the npcs are lifeless. It’s really hard for me to feel the world and the story. The Witcher 3 came out only 4 years later and it’s several orders of magnitude better to me.
I’m with you on Persona 5. My favourite in the series is Persona 2. Plays like complete ass but some of the best writing I’ve seen in a videogame. So it balances out. Then Persona 3 came out and they changed direction with the games, and… Well, I guess it makes more money and being told you’re the best is a lot more fun than the weirdness of early persona.
Weirdly enough, I could never get into Stardew Valley. Whenever I play it, the path to complete optimisation is just so annoyingly clear. Something ALWAYS needs to be done to be optimal. So I always feel like I’m not doing it right or I’m falling behind. My personality just does not work with Stardew Valley even if I really truly want it to.
Lol, I’ve put 120 hrs into TotK and I love it, and still haven’t finished all the side quests or shrines. I can’t get my wife to play past the tutorial, she’s disappointed that it doesn’t foster creativity like Garry’s mod
Anything with multiplayer.
I want to love Skyrim so much. I own it I’ve tried a bunch of mods I’ve played it probably 5 or 10 hours. I just eventually wander off looking at something neat the distance get lost, end up getting stuck in the terrain somewhere, get bored and find something else to do.
I actually like Skyrim, but I’m always really confused by the people who are like REALLY into it. I played it through for the story and did all the side quests that I cared about and then I was done. The gameplay just isn’t very engaging and the environments are only interesting for an hour or so each. Feels like an emptier oblivion.
this is probably mine, too. i really, really wanted to like it… don’t know why it never clicked with me, but part of me suspects it’s the general aesthetic. i just feel like that whole “medieval” open world look is so overdone. maybe i’m expecting too much.
Any particular reason? Is it cause blizzard?
Well, that too, but that came later. I’ve hated it from the beginning because it killed Dark Reign :P
The Witcher series. Around 15 years ago I’ve picked up Sapkowski’s books. I made through one and a half. Can’t stand his writing.
Horizon series - I watched my partner play through it and I can’t think of a more bland, unimaginative world.
Return of the Obra Dinn. I adore puzzle mystery games, but I can’t stand the art style and it felt like I was constantly fighting the mechanics and interface.
Also Inscryption. Often the cards would purposely not explain their mechanics, but I would use it and it would do something unexpected and one bad decision often would cause me to lose. I usually love deck builders like that but it was so frustrating to feel like I was being punished for trying new things.
I loved Inscryption, especially the first part (no spoilers…) but I can see why It may get frustrating at times. If anyone reading this hasn’t played It, I really recomend going in blind and give It a try
Don’t crucify me but I’ve tried HZD and did not like it. I also tried God of War (2018) and I didn’t get very far. Maybe I was not in the right headspace but both of them felt the same to me like a game forcefully trying to make me feel something but I could not connect to either.
The intro area of Horizon Zero Dawn was fun and felt so promising, but then a)
All the characters they just introduced enough for me to be interested in were killed off.
and b) you leave the intro area and… the game “opens up” into a completely boring, bog standard, empty motherfucking blandfest of an open world stereotype. It was so disappointing. Also those
Tall robot dinos they made so much fuss about in the marketing… that are just used as Far Cry towers that walk in circles and do nothing else. Such as waste.
Of all the Sony exclusives to come on PC, Days Gone has actually been my favourite.
For me same with both! I found them greatly over hyped, but that is fine - plenty of other great games to play.
First time I tried HZD I didn’t like it either. Found the 1st hour or so extremely boring.
The 2nd time however I really liked it.
I just can’t get over how poor the bows feel.
Might be my bubble, but I don’t think disliking HZD is a particularly unpopular opinion. Personally, I really enjoyed it, but I can definitely understand why someone wouldn’t. Aloy can be both boring and annoying and the story didn’t really live up to its potentia. I can see why it would be difficult to get into it.
For me, the gameplay more than makes up for those shortcomings. Fighting robot dinosaurs with bow and arrow is right up my alley. Also the latest DLC for the sequel made Aloy actually interesting for the first time, so I have some hopes for story in the third game.
Final Fantasy 7 came out when I was in high school and I was getting more into PCs at the time and only had enough money for one. By the time I got around to playing FF7 years later, the graphics were way outdated and it never clicked for me.
FF7 is a great game. One of my favorites. And for quite a long time, people say that it aged well.
I don’t think that’s true anymore. And probably hasn’t been true for years.
But you know what’s even better than the original? The FF7 Remake. I was somewhat ambivalent about it. Cautious, even. Because I knew it was going to be real-time active battles instead of the old traditional turn-based system. And I like the latter (because I’m bad at real time stuff). But SE did a fantastic job on the remake with the battle system. It’s so much fun. I even think the updated story is great. I highly recommend it to anyone who didn’t really like the original FF7.
Somehow, even though I felt like I was following all the tutorial advice in the demo about how staggering worked, battles were taking an incredibly long time to finish.
I’ll admit the original had somewhat dumb writing at times, but it made up for it in snappy pacing, not having you linger on any one moment. The most fantastic moment of the original was zooming straight from the city overview down into the train station for instant action. For the remake, they seem to overload on nostalgia in order to take a 3-second shot in the first game, and wind it through into a 30-second orchestrally-scored scene; imo even going so far as to ruin that opening shot.
They did SUCH a good job with it. It’s a love letter to the original game but done in a very modern and approachable way.