The ad is called ‘Limburger,’ a cheese known for its pungent odour
The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump PAC, released a foul ad doubling down on allegations that former president Donald Trump smells.
Claims around the former president’s alleged odour erupted earlier this week when former Illinois Republican representative Adam Kinzinger tweeted, “I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor. It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can.”
The Lincoln Project seized upon the resulting social media firestorm with a video advertisement on Saturday, with the caption: “Is that you Donald? #TrumpSmells.”
Of all the things that are likely to effectively separate him from his base, this is the best angle I think we’ve seen taken since 2015.
Appeals to their better nature haven’t worked because they simply do not have one.
He’s also an egomaniac that can’t handle even the smallest forms of mockery. Remember “baby hands”? It got under his skin like crazy. This could actually tank his campaign, even though it feels extremely childish for politics
Are you saying his hands are small? I have it on his authority that trump has the biggest hands. Yuge. Such big hands you’ve never seen before. People tell me all the time, they say, “Donald has such big hands, I’ve never seen hands so large.” I bet he could palm two basketballs at once. World leaders won’t shake his hand because they’re afraid their hands will look like tiny baby hands by comparison.
I bet those huge baby hands smell like baby shit
let’s be honest, it wasn’t entirely the size of his hands
“I’ve had no complaints, believe me”
Which of course either means that he’s lying, which he usually is when telling people to believe him, or being a rich, powerful, thin-skinned and impossible narcissist have stop people from complaining or insulting him to his face.
the real question is how much air freshener do they go through?
tRump’s the reason air freshener companies are not going bankrupt.
Infinite amounts.
No such thing. But if he gets re-elected, I’m buying stock in glade.
If logical political attacks don’t work because his base is too fucking stupid to understand them, then use illogical ones against the fat, smelly, tiny-handed, well-done steak eating piece of orange crap traitor.
But how many of his supporters have had covid so many times that they can’t smell shit if it’s up their own noses at this point?
Yep! It is kind of funny too because petty insults is all they have, but they seem extremely sensible to them themselves. Trump has a nickname for virtually everyone, and they think it’s the best thing ever, but point out that he’s an insecure man wearing ungodly amount of makeup and they immediately get weirdly offended by it. “OrAnGe MaN bAd”. The funny thing is, as Trump would say, there is a lot of subject matter with his overall presentation, ironically.
Now I’m hopeful for the tiny hands campaign