This is pretty much a clone of my reddit post from earlier this year:

I’m looking for other organizations around Indianapolis similar to Habitat for Humanity, just trying to expand my options for when their stuff is already booked or doesn’t fit my schedule or skills*. Can anyone suggest anything? Bonus points if there is a leftist vibe.

My list so far is

  • Habitat;
  • SAWS;
  • Keep Indianapolis Beautiful;
  • Hoosier Hiking Council;
  • NeighborLink (seems a bit more demanding)

*My skills are…no skills. I’ve found that Habitat is often still able to find something for me to do. So I want to avoid any truly hardcore opportunities where they expect you to know what you are doing coming in.

  • seahorse [Ohio]A
    2 years ago

    I don’t know much about habitat but you should look to see if there’s a Food Not Bombs chapter in your area. I volunteer with mine regularly and it’s great. Very much a leftist organization as well.