• MedicPigBabySaver@voxpop.social
    2 years ago

    It literally hurts my entire being that religion has brainwashed billions of people. Generation after generation. It’s sad that one brainwashed family indoctrinates their children. IMO: religion is a scourge on humanity. So many deaths in the name of one religion over another. Countless amounts of $$ stolen from those that gave cash/equivalent or slave labor.

    What’s more sad than religion based on thousands of years?

    Seeing the insanity of cult behavior for following clearly ridiculous people like Donald Trump. The power of social media with misinformation, blatant propagada, etc…in addition to actual live news programs pushing the same inane, disgusting and pathetic shit is flabbergasting.

    It may sound twisted…however, COVID, had the potential to unionize and solidify entire populations to join forces against a common enemy. I’m still in awe and disbelief as to how divided people became against the truth of science.

    You know what the COVID episode demonstrated with 100% certainty?

    Humanity will be extinct far sooner than people could possibly imagine from the apocalyptic level of damage caused be climate change. I truly wish people the best they can manage in the nearest future.