- Lawrence of Arabia
- Sorcerer
- Silent Running
- The Omega Man
- Primer
Bonus: Trancers/Jack Deth movies.
Rush Valkyrie Are definitely can’t really decide on the other 3 right now
For now, anyway;
Sorcerer; confusingly about 4 men driving volatile dynamite through the jungle, no wizards present
Manhunter; I literally stand up out of my chair during the tiger scene every time
Body Double; Brian de Palma is a weird perv and it’s great
Threads; it’s the scariest movie ever made
Annihilation; more upsetting bear than The Edge, only slightly less upsetting lighthouse than The Lighthouse
In no particular order
- Starship Troopers
- Peter Jackson’s Trilogy is one movie. Fight me.
- Speed Racer
I guess I just have three.
I love that you have room for the entire LOTR trilogy but you still fought to keep it in one bullet point.
Jurassic Park
The 5th Element
Life of Brian
About Time
The Green Mile
Monty Python and the holy grail
DnD movie
And all three LOTR movies. Extended of course.
- Kiki’s Delivery Service
- It’s Such a Beautiful Day
- Pan’s Labyrinth
- Bo Burnham: Inside
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
I actually sat down a coworker years ago and did this. It was surprisingly easy once I realized something - I’ll sit down and watch a lot of movies on TV, but there are a few I refuse to. Too many commercials and edits just make me furious… those are my favorites. Getting down to 10 was hard enough, so top 5 are in no order. Some changed how I thought about things, some just entertained me for years:
The Matrix
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Fight Club
Schindler’s List
And because it was so hard, here are a few more that just as easily could be top 5:
Silence of the Lambs, Inception, V for Vendetta, OG Star Wars trilogy, Indiana Jones trilogy, Kung Pow, Blair Witch Project
Edit: Forgot one - Arrival. Probably in top 5, no idea which to demote. Fight Club maybe
Young Frankenstein
The Princess Bride
Blazing Saddles
The Matrix
The Shawshank Redemption
It’s a toss-up on a couple of those. The Blues Brothers could easily make the list, as could Pulp Fiction, Terminator 2, Alien, Interstellar, and I’m sure there are many others. I will abandon what I’m doing to watch any one of these, if they come on, probably 90% of the time.
The Thing Tropic Thunder Doctor Sleep Top Gun: Maverick Requiem for a Dream
Very hard to choose a top five. Here were my runner ups: Cold Pursuit Ace Ventura (both) The Devils Rejects Halloween 2018 The Loved Ones Train to Busan Tucker & Dale vs Evil Zoolander
Fight Club
The Matrix
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
But I guess my firsty firstingly forever first is Blade Runner 2049- Fight Club
- The Matrix
- V for Vendetta
- Star Wars
- John Wick
- John Wick : Chapter 2
- John Wick : Chapter 3
- John Wick : Chapter 4
- Upcoming John Wick 5 movie
- LOTR (it may be 3, but let’s just call it a single movie)
- Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
- Jean de Florette
- The Matrix
- Top Gun
Honourable mentions: anything Monty Python, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Alladin, Indiana Jones (up to and including Last Crusade), any Bond film with Sean Connery, Die Hard, Rocky, Rambo: First Blood, The Passion of Christ, Cross and the Switchblade, The Godfather, Blade Runner