I’ll go first. For me, it’s Across The Spider-Verse. The excellent score and soundtrack is just a bonus.
I… have not seen any movies this month actually. Definitely want to check out Spiderman though and Asteroid City looks like it might be fun too.
Asteroid city looks awesome, let us know how it is of you catch it
I recently watched Beau if a Afraid, I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite but it definitely made me feel things, mainly anxiety lol
Absolutely, by necessity. Can’t really take it for granted that being a lurker won’t overall impact the site. Unfortunately, my usual subs that I participate in haven’t yet made the leap of faith, so its hard to provide quality contribution until that improves
You seen to have posted to the wrong asklemmy post. The one you’re looking for was about being more active.
Yeah, it’s unfortunate when it happens. But some of the apps are still buggy when loading posts.
Sometimes it’ll load comments from a previous post, so I have to go back and reload the post again just to make sure everything’s right.
Yeah that’s an issue I’ve noticed on Jerboa
Asteroid City was surprisingly good. Eccentric, but in the best way.
Very Wes Anderson-y in a good way.
I marathoned The Godfather trilogy a couple of weeks ago. 1 is still one of my favourite movies
I’d say The Covenant but BlackBerry was a close second
I haven’t watched any movies this month, but I’ve been staring at John Wick 4 in my queue for weeks. Does that count?
Ice Planet (2001) because of Starhunter Redux. They lost $5 million trying to make a TV show out of the movie.
The Mario movie was way better than I expected tbh
Extraction 2, but there wasn’t much competition because I only saw 2 movies this month.
deleted by creator
Apocalypse Now. Watched it in an airplane so wasn’t as good of an experience as it should have been, but it was an incredible movie regardless. My favorite Vietnam movie definitely
Emily the criminal was pretty decent. Good acting, the story is okay, but nothing special. Enjoyable. Then I watched Oh Lucy! With Josh Hartnet. That was a downer of a movie somehow. It’s about a japanese lady who is kinda unsatisfied with her life, tries to change things up, opens up a bit, but it’s not as successful as one expects. Not bad, rather weird movie!
Dune. While there’s no way to perfectly capture the magic of the intricate machinations of (Frank) Herbert’s universe, the movie gets about as close as anyone could, I think. The only thing in its league is Jackson’s LOTR trilogy, and I think Dune is at least as good if not slightly better. Can’t wait for the second (and hopefully third!) one!
I loved the movie, but I feel like they didn’t include enough Dr. Yueh. I also feel like they could have ended the movie a few scenes earlier.
Upgrade. I freaking love that movie even for how dark it is.
Hadn’t heard of this before so just watched the trailer, this is going on the watch list immediately, thanks!
Across the Spidervetse was incredible