A man wanted just two slices of cheese on his sandwich, so when his wife used three slices in his grilled cheese sandwich, he became irate.
Angered at the sight of all the extra cheesiness, James DePaola became agitated and violent, yelling at the woman, Michele DePaola. According to WSB-TV, DePaola then ripped the landline out of the wall so his wife couldn’t call the police and reportedly screamed at her intensely. The couple’s 12-year old daughter who witnessed the incident called the police to the scene, according to Athens-Clarke County police.
James DePaola was charged with obstruction of a 911 call and criminal trespass/damage to property over what the police now refer to as “the grilled cheese incident”. DePaola has a history of “abusive behavior,” and was often “excessively critical and controlling of day to day things in life” like sandwiches, apparently.
This man is not a true American, as there is no such thing as a “too cheesey” grilled cheese.
Lotta people are saying he wasn’t even born here. All I’m asking is if he IS a real American, why haven’t we seen his birth certificate? Just asking questions here…
Tucker Carlson: “Many people are saying he isn’t an actual American. If not, who is he? Is he a Russian spy? And if so would he like to come over to my home to discuss Putin’s dreamy eyes and masculine physique? I am just asking questions here.”
We can’t accept drum ‘n’ bass. We need jungle I’m afraid.
I always preferred jungle, dnb has a nice head bopping groove but jungle is much more fun, of course doesn’t always apply. I have no idea what the parent comment is about just wanted to add my opinion on some nice beats.
The ready or not dnb remix from the late 90s was the shit though.
My comment was based on this video, which the pic of the botoxed Tucker Carlson reminded me of. I also prefer jungle to dnb - but I like big beat best of all.
Just asking questions here
JAQing off in public
I’m lactose intollerant and even I can confirm this.
Yes, with a nice bowl of tomato soup.
Too much tomato soup of bowl /s
Sounds like a commie spy!
Not to mention the fact that most grilled cheese sandwiches use American cheese. This guy hates America!
What if the cheese is Brie?
Get that French shit outta here.
Unless you’re making your grilled cheese on brioche. Maybe some sliced pear. Or fig. Make that shit gourmet.
I disagree. I think almost are all too cheesy. I’m serious. This is why I don’t really eat grilled cheese.
The problem actually lies in the “cheese” slices. THEY AREN’T CHEESE .
I’d be pretty irate if I got served that stuff in a cafe.
well, that’s not entirely true, they aren’t eclusively cheese
RedNile (or BlueNile?!) disagrees with you
I mean they’re not pure cheese but they definitely contain real cheese. As fun as it was watching Nile Blue mess around, the recipe to make fancy versions of American cheese with fancy cheese (that is practical to do at home) has been known for a long time.
You are correct, it’s “pasteurized processed cheese product,” but for brevity most of us just call it cheese.
One of the many things I do not miss from living in the US is the range of ersatz foods which have replaced the real thing in the popular market.
I’m generally not a fan of the stuff, but one of the few places American “cheese” is good is a grilled cheese sandwich.
I’d still prefer a sharp cheddar myself, but American is acceptable.
[Fox host] Watters did not disclose, however, that Lee is actually James DePaola, who has had multiple run-ins with the law himself, including when he became violent over a grilled cheese sandwich his wife had made, prompting his 12-year-old daughter to call the police.
This vile, despicable POS is actually being presented by Fox as an authority and being interviewed about crime. This is what Fox and the GQP considers the best of us.
They basically say that Jesse Waters is their Jon Stewart, I was describing a Jordan Kleper bit for my conservative father and he was like “yeah that’s just like what Jesse Waters does” my reply was “yeah except that Jordan Kleper is actually funny and not an absolute piece of shit.”
Can you imagine Jon Stewart having a cretin with a history of domestic abuse on to get his opinion about any subject? Me neither.
Well he does sound like an authority on crime. Committing them.
There is that.
No one remembers Chris Simcox, of the anti-immigrant hate group called the Minutemen.
He is serving an effective life sentence for repeatedly raping his own child. When he got Fox news famous there were already accusations against him from his multiple ex-wifes.
He planned to represent himself and cross his own daughter in the stand and they had to change the procedures in his state just for him.
Why are they so jokey about it? Ripping phones off the wall because you’re disappointed in dinner is not healthy normal behavior, but it is also not NEW behavior. I’m disappointed. just because the food in question allows for more humor doesn’t make that situation any less terrifying or traumatic for the wife of daughter. And that would have been their daily lives. I know we are laughing at him but it also diminishes how awful he is. Within a few days, few people, few copycat articles and eventually the only thing many will remember is the joke “haha he got upset when his grilled cheese was too cheesy!!” It’ll be like the hot coffee lawsuit
And this man is given a platform. And you know what is terrifying? They don’t give a fuck. There is no way fox didn’t know, and they weren’t scared of any real blowback. Because reality is people dont care enough about abuse for it to be a problem.
The mundane nature of the offense actually makes it more terrifying. My final night of marriage, he raged because I was too morning sick to go out as planned and leave the house to him. It didn’t stop him from doing what he wanted, I was just going to go to bed after feeding my toddler.
It’s so mundane an offense, that you feel stupid telling anyone. Even having lived through it, sometimes I have a hard time believing it.
One time he almost drove us off the freeway because I knew more about genetics than he did. I had a degree relating to the field and he had once watched a documentary on it.
And he raged because I hung up the phone when he got home. He was convinced my friend Jackie was actually Jack (names changed) and accused me of cheating. He knew I talked to Jackie at least once per week because we were working on a project together.
There was a Microsoft profile picture named Jack that he was convinced was the man I was cheating on him with. I couldn’t convince him otherwise, even after showing him it was in a file with other profile pics. He got a secret vasectomy to try to catch me cheating.
Spoiler: I was not cheating. I didn’t get pregnant again until he got a reversal. Guess who was cheating and gave me an STI?
They really don’t care. They either can’t afford to realize their sycophants are abusers because then they’d have to take a hard look at their own beliefs, or they think being abusive is a feature, not a bug.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard about someone being accused of cheating where the accuser wasn’t cheating.
Nobody goes straight to call 911 like that without a reason, and the fact he yanked the goddamn cord out of the wall shows trying to call was justified. That poor fucking kid must have been terrified to take the initiative to call on her own.
I’m just amazed that he had a landline.
He threw out all his family’s cellphones with the first 5g conspiracy theory he heard.
They are not sending their best or their brightest…
No, that for sure is their best.
I don’t know about that.
It doesn’t matter. They all agree with the stupid stuff they say to each other. The dumb viewers at home are nodding their heads in agreement.
Every accusation is a confession.
If he is in lockup, I hope they feed him grilled cheese every day.
If you have been to jail recently, I wish they served grilled cheese. Especially with 3 slices of cheese.
I am super piping mad because the sex is TOO SEXY!
Rips some phone wires
I think we’ve finally stumbled upon the author of that classic reddit copypasta in r/grilledcheese. Saved you a click:
Only if you bake the crust first
I would like to think this person is just mentally ill and not other possibilities
Just another stable genius
WTF did I just read? XD
A grilled cheese sandwich too cheesy?
That’s like saying it’s too orgasmic when my wife blows me or my paychecks are too big when my job pays me.
A grilled cheese is never too cheesy until it collapses under its own cheesiness and turns into a black hole
I saw a negative review for a salad place recently complaining that there were too many olives on his last salad.
How the hell can a grilled cheese sandwich be too cheesy? Was it just cheese? Like no bread, but just cheese? Because even that doesn’t seem like too much cheese to me.
Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich:
2 lb block of cheese
2 slices of white bread (optional)… consume
If you’re ever at a decent greek restaurant get the saganaki. It’s a salty fried sheep cheese and it’s one of the most glorious things to exist.
Exactly correct. DePaola is probably not human.
So where can I get this grilled cheese?
I bet that’s one gouda grilled cheese
It was just a regular homemade grilled cheese and his wife used three slices instead of two
I also choose this guy’s wife.
Wait… People eat things like grilled cheese as anything other than an excuse to shove cheese into their mouths? No judgement intended, I fucking love cheese, probably too much. How could a food where “cheese” is such an important part of the name possibly be “too cheesy”? Isn’t cheese the entire fucking point???
“the grilled cheese incident”
Isn’t that a jam band?