it seems like the west suddenly focusing on ukraine. and straight up abandoned other topica such as uyghurs, hong kong etc.

  • Weilai
    2 years ago

    I don’t think it’s just because of Ukraine. At this point it is pretty obvious that there isn’t a Uyghur Genocide. I mean it’s supposed to have been going on for what, 6 years now? And yet clearly the population still exists, and is going about their ordinary lives, in fact they’re more visible now than before since they’ve become deradicalised. Not to mention that there was never a massive refugee crisis or other obvious signs, while the only evidence we have is the same couple of prison photos being used over and over again. To be brutally honest, if China wanted to kill 12 million people they’d do it in about 6 months.

    I’ve seen it begin to be called a cultural genocide more and more, (which is bullshit) because its so obvious that there hasn’t been a real genocide. It was an attempt to destablise China, fund a terrorist movement in Xinjiang, and get the world to condemn and stop trading with China, but it didn’t work and it’s not possible to keep the lie going forever. They’ll just quietly forget about it and pretend they never said it.