I had hope that this community would be a place where free thinkers would congregate and have open discussions about political issues. But at first glance it looks like a exact copy of r/politics. I lean left on the political scale but the constant republican/trump bashing is tiresome. Seems like this community has succumbed to the same fate. If I wanted heavy bias, I would just watch any major news station. Any suggestions on communities that discuss politics as a whole? Perhaps with an observatory viewpoint rather than a partisan one.

  • SolidGrue@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The thing is, there’s not many of us here yet. By simply participating you have an outsized opportunity to set the tone by down voting extremist comments, low-effort commentary, cheap gags, and “both sides are the saaame” -style content, and upvoting objective, unbiased posts and discussions.

    This isn’t reddit, it doesn’t aim to BE reddit, and while redditors are welcome, the established Lemmy communities probably want to keep things the way they were before the mass influx.

    Like strangers in a strange land, we new folk can help by contributing posts and opinions we want to see, and use our up/down vote buttons to help achieve the tone. But if you sleep on it and just lurk, you’ll get what you get.

    (Edit: typos)