I had hope that this community would be a place where free thinkers would congregate and have open discussions about political issues. But at first glance it looks like a exact copy of r/politics. I lean left on the political scale but the constant republican/trump bashing is tiresome. Seems like this community has succumbed to the same fate. If I wanted heavy bias, I would just watch any major news station. Any suggestions on communities that discuss politics as a whole? Perhaps with an observatory viewpoint rather than a partisan one.

  • Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Unfortunately, that is the destiny of virtually every social media subreddit, chat room, or other group.

    People tend to want to congregate with like-minded people, and it becomes especially easy for that to quickly devolve from a social group into an echo chamber. And as echo chambers grow and evolve, they tend to disapprove of dissenting opinions more and more. Anybody who has a dissenting opinion or otherwise is even willing to admit that maybe the other side has a point once in a while will quickly be seen as “traitors to the cause”. If you are not 100% with “us”, then you are 100% with “them”. There is no in between.

    If this place takes off, the same will happen here. Subworlds, or whatever they’re called on here, will all have their own little niches with their own little echo chambers and their own little tribalism. It’s been that way since the dawn of social media, and it’s been that way since the dawn of time.

    It is ironic that the internet was developed so people could hear and share ideas, and instead everybody largely just sought out their own little echo chambers. And even if you do find a small group of like minded individuals, that group is itself the exact echo chamber it seeks to avoid.