I had hope that this community would be a place where free thinkers would congregate and have open discussions about political issues. But at first glance it looks like a exact copy of r/politics. I lean left on the political scale but the constant republican/trump bashing is tiresome. Seems like this community has succumbed to the same fate. If I wanted heavy bias, I would just watch any major news station. Any suggestions on communities that discuss politics as a whole? Perhaps with an observatory viewpoint rather than a partisan one.

  • outrageousmatter@lemmy.worldM
    1 year ago

    First, please mark as [Meta] next time, as this would be remove for a violation of rule 1. But this is just a nitpick.

    It’ll be hard to regulate constant republican/trump bashing. They’re so many news sources just bashing them for there problems. I’ll feature this to have a discussion in the comments on what to change. Right now it’s just an emulation of r/politics to allow migrating redditors feel at home in this community. But if you want change then let’s see what change you guys want and see if it’s a good idea.

    • Squander@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I agree, regulating would be impossible due to nature of open discussion. I was just hoping that Lemmy would be like Reddit was 10 years ago. Its just such low hanging fruit and doesnt add to developing a discussion. Sorry about the format I wasnt sure if this type of post would even be allowed.

      • YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        We also would like the discussions to be similar to reddit 10 years ago. Obviously, the world is a bit different and the users are a bit different than back then. Right now we are focused on growing the community and creating a welcoming place for those migrating. In the future, I think we can take advantage of the fediverse and all that it brings to create a diverse community here. We will the discussions civil, but not restrict diffing opinions. This is not an echo chamber and we intend to keep it that way. Philosophy requires that dialogue flows freely and that many different voices are heard. We won’t all agree with those discussions but everyone has the right to be heard. We know there are many that believe the one side should not be heard because their beliefs are invalid. I’d rather we listen and debate that.

      • outrageousmatter@lemmy.worldM
        1 year ago

        It’s alright, it’s hard to have a discussion with bashing but that’s the media today just bashing republican party and republican bashing democartic party. It’s hell for any real discussion since it’s always going to be “Let’s bash the other” instead of “What do people need, why are they struggling with debt, what can we do to lower prices, how do we fix our nation problem with equality.” It’s a big problem in the media as it’s always bashing instead of trying to fix it.