There seems to be more and more of these reactionary socialists popping up. They somehow assume the capitalists will just allow them to be democratically elected and take their wealth from them. How can they be this naive, are they controlled opposition?

It seems they’re too scared to move further left because they still believe all the scary things about ML states, but when pressed on how they would defend their new socialist state from capitalists/imperialists, they hand wave it away with vague ideas of cooperation.

What is the best way to deal with them, and how many here were DemSocs before becoming MLs? If so, what convinced you?

    2 years ago

    As a part of a labor aristocracy suffering with alienation throughout my whole life, I was a vague idealist socialist suspicious of USSR before I got tired of buying shit and started trying to fix it - like patch up clothes or solder some electronics. Eventually that lead to me realizing how much labor all over the world the stuff I’m used to - like a smartphone - actually takes and how long did it take for it to get where so many can be made. It was a small step from there to realize the importance of material conditions for economic development. In addition to that I’ve watched plenty of quality history content about USSR which was so wildly different from the picture my history lessons taught I’ve come to be very sceptical of what I think I know and what makes “common sense”. That led to me understanding how AES countries are a product of their history too.

      2 years ago

      I’ve come to be very sceptical of what I think I know and what makes “common sense”

      Common sense isn’t reliable when it comes to information gathering.