I personally can’t wait to see communities like hiphopheads, internetisbeautiful, listentothis… join lemmy and become as active as they were on reddit. what are some of y’all fav?
I personally can’t wait to see communities like hiphopheads, internetisbeautiful, listentothis… join lemmy and become as active as they were on reddit. what are some of y’all fav?
yes add to the list: r/musicmaking, r/headphones, r/audiophiles, r/indieheads, r/WeAreTheMusicMakets, r/drumkits, r/bandcamp, r/vintageobsecura and I’ll be the happiest kid lurking around here
Lenny.film has a headphones community but it’s just starting out.
I simultaneously want a headphones comm because I love headphones, and don’t want a headphones comm because I need to stop fucking buying headphones.