It would be the most expedient route to keeping him useful if either of the folks who tried to take a shot at him were legit threats rather than stunts.
It would be the most expedient route to keeping him useful if either of the folks who tried to take a shot at him were legit threats rather than stunts.
Everyone who perceived the Harris pivot as “playing to lose” has ideas about it. We’re over-represented on Lemmy as compared with the voting public. The Republican party has been sufficiently horrifying for sufficiently long, that there is an entire generation of voters who “lean left”, but have no idea where to even begin actually holding their party accountable for things.
In 1984 Jesse Jackson had his Rainbow Coalition, but they gave us Walter Mondale. The same thing happened with Bernie in both 2016 and 2020. In the USA there is a capitalist part and a fash party, and no room is permitted on the stage for anything other than tightly controlled powerless opposition.
For this reason, if you have anything with at least 32 GB of RAM and a GPU, you should get a copy of Ollama and test it out running a local copy of Deepseek. That’s going to soon become the best 0 new dollars tool for access to education.
At the point where it becomes possible to copy the entire British museum and hand it out to anyone who wants one, maybe it starts to be a good idea to do exactly that…
Not to mention that it would be utterly non-functional for all states which share water from the Colorado River to not be part of the same organizational unit. Any smaller secession than that would lead to instant water wars.
Fascism is here in part because Democrat presidents aren’t actually on a different team.
It got snuffed, but it’s worth remembering that 13 years ago, Occupy Wall Street did happen. The path from self education to understanding the real villains has been roughly identical for most of recorded history, and right now if you still read books the truth is pretty much everywhere and undeniable.
Ever since OWS was unceremoniously snuffed without actual reform, I’ve been waiting for a nice blue shell thrower to show up. It’s been the only remaining path available the entire time. One person walks that road, and suddenly it becomes vastly easier for others to follow…
That’s the job I need. I’ve spent my whole live trying to be Data from Star Trek. I’m ready to try to mentor and befriend a computer.
I am intimately familiar with what a difficult road pacifism is to walk honestly and honorably. Let me tell you why I would jury nullify this guy if I could anyway.
It is abundantly clear that gun ownership is completely closed as an avenue to deal with the gun violence problem in the USA. This is the only avenue remaining available to citizens to vote on the subject of how the inevitable gun is to be used. If we cheer loud enough, maybe fewer psychotic breaks will take place at schools.
I, for one, pray to be alive for the day that the French Revolution comes back to life and makes meaningful landfall on American shores.
This Run the Jewels is
Murder, mayhem, melodic music.
It was here before we got here, and good and bad are both words of human origin.
I accept your take fully. Here’s why I still love it:
I have docks in any location where I plan to work for an extended period of time. “The smallest device which can run x86/x64 code” is what I look for in the handheld device I carry around with me that isn’t company issued.
You’re right about one thing, though. It and the surface go 2 before it are items I targeted when I saw the use that others were getting out of their iOS and Android tablets. I wanted a device that still gives me access to calibre for e-book sorting and the time waste-y low resource usage portion of my steam library even if I’m on an airplane. The pocket, as well as a charger, a slim bluetooth mouse, and an e-reader all fit in a pouch not much larger than a case for a study bible. I can pull that out of my travel backpack and tuck it in the pocket of the seat in front of me, then I don’t have to fight with any of my carry-on luggage during the flight. I take a bluetooth controller or two with me if I’m going to be somewhere for more than a few days, and then when I’m back at the hotel I can hook this same tiny device up to the TV in the hotel room and play emulated games or resource friendly steam games.
I’ve been using laptops my whole life, and it seems like whenever I’m using the built in display, it’s already a poor environment for productivity. Portability gets my attention in its stead.
gpd pocket is the best field work laptop series I know of right now.
I doubt this will happen, and if it did it would do more harm than good. His followers would liken him to Paul.
This feels like a Sanderson reference, but I still don’t get it. What are you trying to express?
edit: Oh. replying to “odium”.
The hallucinations are my favorite part of making these things. I spend maybe 5 minutes tweaking the prompt, and I stop when it hits that sweet spot of “This tells my instincts that I should not believe what I’m seeing”. Pair it with a lie, and it’s an LLM image recognition training tool in addition to being a meme.
Every now and again they’re completely blatant about mocking that portion of their base.
Based on what I got to see regarding the development of Helix vs Dome in “Twitch Plays Pokemon Red”, I’ve got a hunch that those 40 years in the desert a few thousand years ago were nothing to write home about either.
Mythology spews forth from wherever. It’s arbitrary and yet still meaningful.
Yeah solving this problem is going to take somewhere between a hundred and a thousand Luigis…