I’ve often wanted a movie/series based on the Dragonlance books or the Dark Elf trilogy. What would you all like to see done if you had the ability to do it?

  • 𝕽𝖚𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍
    11 months ago

    I absolutely hated the Thomas Covenant novels. I hated the character, and I hated the plot devices. But I read them at a point in my life before I learned that you could put down books you didn’t like; that you didn’t have to finish something you started.

    However: I do think they’d make a great miniseries. His internal, eternally whining self-pity would be minimized, making the character less loathsome. I mean, we’re supposed to hate the character, but Donaldson sandblasted that soup cracker, leaving a hollow characature it was impossible to sympathize with on any level. In the media format translation process of distilling to imagery, Covenant might, like the anti-heros on The Boys, become less repellant. And the premise is interesting. It’s become a trite trope, but it was more novel when it was introduced, and I think it’d fit the TV format well. I’d watch it.

    • Ixoid@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Me too - I was so glad when I finished the first book, knowing I would never have to read another line of his whining, snivelling, excuse for a protagonist ever again.