I am drinking a very tasty coffee right now, which means that my day is going great. I don’t even have work or any chores today, which is awesome.

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.deOP
    22 years ago

    because of you I just drank a smoothie as well. It had apple, flax seed, a small carrot and some leftover fresh mint. It was just ok, very gritty, my immersion blender is weak I think. But it was very healthy I think

      • @sexy_peach@feddit.deOP
        22 years ago

        I have eyed with a high speed blender for a long time. Not sure if it would be worth the investment for me right now, also I don’t even know if I have the money to spend on it, lol.

        Does it make smooth smoothies, even with flax seeds? Do you think pureeing the fibers that small diminishes the health benefits?