• archomrade [he/him]
    1425 days ago

    I think people forget how significant a moment 2020 felt.

    Democrats are in for a rude awakening when the turnout plummets this cycle because normal people don’t feel like it’s the end of democracy like they do.

    • And then those normal people are in for a rude awakening when it is the end of democracy as we know it.

      “I didn’t think the Supreme Court would actually overturn Roe!” – People in 2016 who said to not threaten them with the Supreme Court

      • archomrade [he/him]
        225 days ago

        Democrats will have no one to blame but themselves for not running on anything other than scaremongering.

        • I’m sure that’ll be a great relief to the normal people suffering who didn’t take the warnings seriously.

          And I don’t know if I’d call it fear mongering considering the concerns about abortion and the Supreme Court came true. If someone chooses not to take warnings seriously after that, well… They shouldn’t be surprised if this next set of warnings comes true as well.

          • archomrade [he/him]
            225 days ago

            Tell that to the dems, man! If their scaremongering warnings aren’t winning over voters, maybe they should try popular governance.

            • https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-25/us-aid-to-israel-support-drops-as-outrage-over-war-gaza-grows?embedded-checkout=true

              51% of likely voters in swing states “strongly or somewhat support aid to Israel”. Considering that is the popular opinion among crucial voters, are you fine with Biden’s position on Israel? It’s just “popular governance” after all.

              Maybe Bernie should’ve also said he was a through and through capitalist to try and win the primary through “popular governance”?

              Very poor argument.

              • archomrade [he/him]
                225 days ago

                That link is paywalled, so unless you share the text i guess ill take your word for it.

                Regardless, that’s only “popular” if you limit your definition of popular to swing states. Nationally, only 46% of voters(note this is more accurate when limited to registered voters) support more aid to israel (Quinnepaic, April 24), even fewer when limited to democratic and independent voters.

                Quinnipiac poll, support for aid to israel by demographic:

                64% over 65 years old 60% Republicans 50% White 46% all voters 46% independents 42% Hispanic 36% Democrats 31% Black 26% under 35 years old

                The Bernie point is actually interesting, because historically “capitalism” is broadly popular, but his socialist policies are extremely popular, which I suppose would suggest polling is kinda junk as a predictor for popularity anyway.

        • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
          325 days ago

          Democrats will have no one to blame but themselves

          Not the people who actually took away abortion rights?

          • archomrade [he/him]
            25 days ago

            Those are the people they’re loosing against, not the reason why they lost to them.

    • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
      125 days ago

      Although, as I’ve read, people who don’t vote are more likely to vote for trump (basically the argument is that trump convinced them he was an outsider, and appealed to people who don’t normally go out to vote because they feel there is no point), so a drop in turnout would actually favor Dems. And I do think Dems will be fired up more over abortion.