Looking online, google seems to think open source = free (as in price), so thanks for that google.

I currently use Sumatra PDF and I like the minimalist design (wish they had a night mode though), but it can’t fill forms. For that I still have Firefox, but tbh for some reason Firefox doesn’t register in my head as a pdf reader or editor.

I also sometimes need to create PDFs from jpegs, and I’d love it if one program could do all that, instead of having to switch to different ones.

I’m on Windows btw, can’t use linux packages for this.


  • @Echedenyan@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    For Woefucks?

    Open the Micro$hit Store and install Okular.

    Remember this has to be made for every user you want to install it or better use Chocolatey.

    Also, open configuration panel, go to default apps and go to default per application, choose Okular and change every format Okular supports to Okular as default.

    If you used Chocolatey, you must look for Okular.exe or similar in the Chocolatey folder inside Woefucks main partition.


    Start replacing Woefucks with Devuan 3 + OpenRC + Cinnamon.

    Edited 2:

    For creation just use LibreOffice Draw.