It’s a so bad it’s good kinda movie but Blood Diner. It’s an 80s horror flick me and a buddy found at blockbuster on vhs when we were younger. Shit was hilarious.
Yes! Sheetar! That movie was a trip. There were so many odd choices, like wtf was up with the guy who is 100% puppet always sitting at the diner. I actually really like that band in the caveman getups at the end though and tracked them down. It’s a guy name Dino Lee and he bills him self as “the king of white trash”. I could only find one or two videos of them performing live and one record i picked up on diacogs for like $3.
Lol I was hoping someone would chime in about that movie. Its pretty wild. I vividly remember the scene with the car bouncing up and down oj hydraulics smashed that guys head and me just laughing really hard at how ridiculous it looked.
I love terrible movies and have seen all sorts, but for my money the absolute worst I have seen is Boggy Creek II: And the Legend Continues. Absolutely nothing happens for the entire duration of the film until the last 5 minutes. The DVD I had claimed there was a “terrifying incident at the public lake”, but it’s just someone falling off a jetski and getting back on it.
On the other hand, it did make for one of my favourite MST3K episodes
I did not know it was an MST3K episode! Might have to dare “watching” this “movie” again for it
A Christian Carol. I know Christian movies are low-hanging fruit, but the awful CGI, terrible writing, horrible camerawork, and nonsensical story really just make it truly awful.
Tough question. But i think it’s “in fabric”. It’s just weird stuff happening.
The Super Mario movie is probably top of the list. The jokes fell flat and the entire movie was just Nintendo references. I get it’s a kid movie, but damn, Pixar knows how to make a movie for all ages. I guess I was hoping for the same.
The sausage party or what ever it’s called. Everybody was recommending it to me, such a funny movie.
What a absolute shit show was that. The only part that was a little bit funny was with the stoner dude having a existential crisis with the talking food.
This movie was an unmitigated disaster. Awful, but not bad enough to enjoy because of it being bad. Too tone deaf to enjoy watching, not tone deaf enough to enjoy lampooning.
Mandy with Nicholas Cage takes the cake for me but it’s so bad it’s good. If I were going for just bad, it would probably have to be the last airbender movie…
Enemy with Jake Gyllenhaal is up there for me too, because FUCK that movie.
I think calling Mandy so bad it’s good is a massive misread of what Mandy was trying to do. It’s a funny, over-the-top movie at a lot of points, deliberately.
Idk man deliberately bad is still bad
Yeah, I’m just saying it’s not bad, deliberately or otherwise. It’s deliberately a lot of things that you’re parsing as bad but work for, idk, certainly the vast majority of people who watched it, critics and audiences alike.
I remember seeing Mandy in theaters with my college dorm mates, and I will never forget how bizarre that experience was. I was in the mood for something more serious, but I should have known they would select something like that
Nic Cage: “Mandy? I can do so much worse”
What’s wrong with Enemy? It’s honestly one of my favorite movies.
It’s overly artsy fartsy for me. I didn’t “get it” and when the metaphor was explained to me I was disappointed. The spiders made no sense to me initially, and when I learned what it was supposed to be, it felt like garbage nonsense from planet bullshit.
Dragonball Evolution
Virus Shark ( (
This movie is really really awful. ALL of the actors and actresses are so bad, it’s not even good ironically. Just awful. I really don’t mind B-Movies with a limited budget, as there are some out there, which are not bad. But this one in particular? The (badly made) rubber shark is a more convincing actor than any of the other protagonists of the movie. This movie is acted out so poorly that any movie you can watch on Sci-Fi are Hollywood quality in comparison. I dare you to watch the whole movie!
The second Transformers film was so bad I was actually angry when I left the cinema.
At this point, I don’t even know which one that is. Every damn on I’ve seen has been trash and I swear they are all named something like the fall of such and such. Basically making it impossible for anyone to know what order they’re in.
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Unpopular opinion but, Avatar 2: The Way of Water. While it was mostly visually stunning, the writing was just “too painful”.
Very popular opinion. What a huge waste of time. Most expensive B movie ever, and doesn’t have the camp value to pull off how bad the script is.
What do you mean, bro? C’mon cuz!
I somehow sat through The Room, so I guess that.
I would really like to meet someone who unironically likes that movie though.
Everything Everywhere All At Once.
This movie is so bad and overhyped.
Right? I really wanted to leave midway but my friends were there too. I’m a big fan of surrealist literature but that movie just couldn’t do it for me.
Probably Tiptoes. Gary Oldman plays a little person who is Matthew McConaugeys twin brother