Mandy with Nicholas Cage takes the cake for me but it’s so bad it’s good. If I were going for just bad, it would probably have to be the last airbender movie…
Enemy with Jake Gyllenhaal is up there for me too, because FUCK that movie.
It’s overly artsy fartsy for me. I didn’t “get it” and when the metaphor was explained to me I was disappointed. The spiders made no sense to me initially, and when I learned what it was supposed to be, it felt like garbage nonsense from planet bullshit.
I remember seeing Mandy in theaters with my college dorm mates, and I will never forget how bizarre that experience was. I was in the mood for something more serious, but I should have known they would select something like that
I think calling Mandy so bad it’s good is a massive misread of what Mandy was trying to do. It’s a funny, over-the-top movie at a lot of points, deliberately.
Yeah, I’m just saying it’s not bad, deliberately or otherwise. It’s deliberately a lot of things that you’re parsing as bad but work for, idk, certainly the vast majority of people who watched it, critics and audiences alike.
Mandy with Nicholas Cage takes the cake for me but it’s so bad it’s good. If I were going for just bad, it would probably have to be the last airbender movie…
Enemy with Jake Gyllenhaal is up there for me too, because FUCK that movie.
What’s wrong with Enemy? It’s honestly one of my favorite movies.
It’s overly artsy fartsy for me. I didn’t “get it” and when the metaphor was explained to me I was disappointed. The spiders made no sense to me initially, and when I learned what it was supposed to be, it felt like garbage nonsense from planet bullshit.
I remember seeing Mandy in theaters with my college dorm mates, and I will never forget how bizarre that experience was. I was in the mood for something more serious, but I should have known they would select something like that
I think calling Mandy so bad it’s good is a massive misread of what Mandy was trying to do. It’s a funny, over-the-top movie at a lot of points, deliberately.
Idk man deliberately bad is still bad
Yeah, I’m just saying it’s not bad, deliberately or otherwise. It’s deliberately a lot of things that you’re parsing as bad but work for, idk, certainly the vast majority of people who watched it, critics and audiences alike.
Nic Cage: “Mandy? I can do so much worse”