• Voidance [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    5 months ago

    fedposting yeah fuck those commies, its propaganda of the deed time baby

    But seriously the student protests have been gaining worldwide momentum, firebombing a frat house or similar action would be the ideal way to kill that dead in the water

    • Babs [she/her]@hexbear.net
      5 months ago

      They literally disrupted the May Day march this year then complained online about the “tankies” that organized it.

      • LesbianLiberty [she/her]@hexbear.net
        5 months ago

        Fucking christ, I don’t want to doxx myself more than I may have with the crumbs I’ve left behind on my current account, but, I’ve had to deal with these god damn losers to much too. I’ve made myself a pretty public face in a lot of local scenes which contain a lot of white people calling themselves anarchists; and when I joined PSL and started being open about like “Hey we’re organizing this for Palestine” I got nothing but hate from these crackers. They’re chauvinistic, deluded motherfuckers who pick on women and minorities because it’s easier. I genuinely don’t know how to deal with these fucking people, it’s bizarre, there’s so many connections that I considered friends but as soon as I started actually doing what I’ve been preaching (I’ve been an open communist for years, everyone knows) I’m suddenly enemy number one. It’s been absolutely fucking terrible and has eroded my mental health, for what it’s even worth, severely.

        Right now I think we’re finding that ML organizations are beginning to gain steam because there’s people like me who’ve become completely disillusioned with the anarchist and “horizontal” organizing that’s lead to jack and shit getting done or accomplished. ML organizations are the groups which have been able to articulate most meaningfully how this struggle is connected and have, in my experience, worked most successfully with local Palestinian and other anti-imperialist groups; this is why I joined PSL for god’s sake! But jokers like this, useless self-defeating white chauvinistic people like this, I don’t know what the hell to do with them. If we’re not able to get past people like this as a movement for liberation, we’ll get nowhere, their anti-intellectualism and adventurist tendencies (as well as general tendency for dramatic bullshit) are so counterproductive that it will lead to a new failed left if there’s not a well-reasoned, articulated, and popular resistance against people like this. Fucking sick of it.

        Edit: And to add, I’ve had to deal with so much paternalistic bullshit from white guys in their 30s who consider themselves “very serious organizers” who after lengthy conversations simply fall back onto thought terminating cliches (authoritarianism) or just outright threats of violence towards me and my friends. I have so much frustration built up it’s ridiculous, I wish to god there was a clear solution but I nor anyone around me who’s in a similar position can articulate it.

        • immuredanchorite [he/him, any]@hexbear.net
          5 months ago

          Don’t let this get to you, keep working to build a movement. I am sorry a lot of your friends are so unprincipled and have decided to act antagonistically toward you. it actually should be against their interests, but they live in an idealist bubble that is only maintained through policing the morality of other organizers through informal power structures and exclusion. These anarchist/chauvinists are in fact only a small minority even if they are very prevalent in inward-facing organizing circles, it is only a symptom of the defunct history & nature of the US left and the discontinuity in the US communist movement. However “very serious” these “organizers” are, they are not representative of the masses of people which is what we are looking to organize. Don’t worry about them. I think their influence in the movement for Palestinian liberation is being very exaggerated in this thread, a lot of it seems to focus on the PNW. Most parts of the country don’t have such a large anti-communist-left scene, and the student movement is a real mass movement that has incorporated so many different communities, most of this stuff becomes completely irrelevant day-to-day

          • LesbianLiberty [she/her]@hexbear.net
            5 months ago

            Yeah, I just. It’s fucking annoying. To be clear too, from what I’ve noticed, they benefit from red bashing so I don’t think it’ll end, only escalate. They get both the social credit of moral purity, and if I’m being honest these are mostly pretty comfortable people who if there was a shakeup of how the economy worked, they would lose out heavily, so they benefit by not having to challenge the hand that feeds them fundamentally.

  • VILenin [he/him]@hexbear.net
    5 months ago

    fedposting Commit felonies that have little effect but that can easily be traced back to you.


    Armed community self-defense isn’t smashing the windows of frat houses and uncoordinated property destruction. Firebombing counterprotestors? You might as well kill someone of actual importance.

  • dead [he/him]@hexbear.net
    5 months ago

    So these people are adventurists. They say “fuck the communists” and call for acts of individualist terrorism. This is anti-Leninist thought. Do not do adventurism.

    Here is a work by Lenin where he criticizes adventurism. As example, he criticizes socialist Stepan Balmashov for assassinating Russian politician Dmitry Sipyagin. Lenin writes, “everyone knows and sees perfectly well that this act was in no way connected with the masses and, moreover, could not have been by reason of the very way in which it was carried out—that the persons who committed this terrorist act neither counted on nor hoped for any definite action or support on the part of the masses. In their naïveté, the Socialist-Revolutionaries do not realise that their predilection for terrorism is causally most intimately linked with the fact that, from the very outset, they have always kept, and still keep, aloof from the working-class movement, without even attempting to become a party of the revolutionary class which is waging its class struggle.”


  • fuck the Communist pieces of shit

    Ultra adventurist agent moment time… fedposting

    The students there in the university are at least fighting it out more bravely by protesting…

    If you do must have to commit violence, then at least use it to defend those protests…

    • HexbearGPT [comrade/them]@hexbear.netOP
      5 months ago

      yeah i feel similarly about this action.

      very adventurist and not constructive really to the current movement and moment.

      but i felt it was at least worth an acknowledgement, because these people were willing to put decades of their lives in prison on the line to fight back against this capitalist dystopian settler-colonialist government. it shows how disgusted and fed up and angry some people are, and shows how people with better strategy need to do a better job organizing people with this kind of bravery into effective movements and actions.

      • Nakoichi [they/them]@hexbear.netM
        5 months ago

        people with better strategy need to do a better job organizing people with this kind of bravery into effective movements and actions.

        This is exactly what we should take away from this.

  • Babs [she/her]@hexbear.net
    5 months ago

    26k follower journalist on Instagram. “Lots of tankies at the march” my sister in anti-capitalism the tankies organized the march.

  • happybadger [he/him]@hexbear.net
    5 months ago

    I don’t trust this person to not rat me out for being a communist when they’re arrested for burning a bunch of police cars that I as a taxpayer have to replace with better models. Such absolute fed shit that the FBI should hire this person if they aren’t already on the payroll.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]@hexbear.net
      5 months ago

      burning a bunch of police cars that I as a taxpayer have to replace

      luau is cool and good, it demonstrates oppressive power as something that can be weakened and destroyed, it follows through on a form of deterrence, and we shouldn’t be yielding to the assumption that the police will stay inexorably lodged in place.

      It’s a legitimate target and a successful action, even though it’s a pity they had to be sectarian about it- sectarianism, along with having an identifiable style/voice, is bad opsec.

      Seriously, what you said is the same sort of thing that sideliners were saying in 2020. “What are they accomplishing by smashing and burning stuff, we’re all collectively going to have to pay to replace it anyway, they’re practically smashing MY car/window”

      • happybadger [he/him]@hexbear.net
        5 months ago

        I’m not crying for cop cars and it’s a shame they didn’t get harder-to-replace buildings instead like Minneapolis. My point is with the third picture:

        Raid them before they raid you!

        It’s a call to action without organisation. Doing this one-time thing immediately puts the state on high alert and it has to be followed by spontaneous escalations by individuals if it’s to survive that response. Right out of the gate they’re alienating communists by decrying any formal organisation. It just has to be people being inspired by spontaneous praxis to take on a militarised police state through their own spontaneous actions that can never be matched by the state.

        When Food Not Bombs rejects that centralisation, the result is that I make soup but there’s no ladle unless I personally spontaneously bring a ladle. There’s no coordinated menu or guarantee that there will be anything more than apples unless people spontaneously do that between themselves three times per week. There’s no buying in bulk or storing things in a common space or pooling resources behind a structure with bylaws. It’s praxis without any political education or interorganisational networking like the local DSA events have, and it only works if people see that and then themselves decide to show up three times per week with their own food and utensils while individually doing all the administrative coordinating between their own cliques. Even if I agree with the act in isolation it’s an act of faith that it will inspire someone else to also cook. And if it doesn’t, all that energy is limited to that specific moment. PSL may be driving people to join PSL at its equivalent mutual aid days, but it’s because PSL has a budget for utensils and national network and sign up sheets. The energy fuels a structure that will exist tomorrow and consciously build networks with other orgs using full-time organisers. There’s risk-reward calculation between a group so that one anonymous person doesn’t personally declare war on the police without a plan B if the following week doesn’t have enough copycat response to counter what the state does.

        • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]@hexbear.net
          5 months ago

          This is a good point; I don’t agree with the Bonanno-style exhortations for people to just go out and do more destruction of policing instruments (and also preemptively striking counter-protestors; most if not all university encampments have a strong policy against engaging at all with them, for good reason). A declaration that “they have been revealed as illegitimate and we have demonstrated that they are not safe amidst our escalations” would do.

      • Adkml [he/him]@hexbear.net
        5 months ago

        I cannot believe somebody is condemning burning police cars lmao. Let alone that they’re trying to frame it as “destroying tax payer funded property”

        I got lectured the other day for being so arrogant I thought I knew everything when I said a revolution wasn’t happening in this country because as soon as anybody actually did something it would be universally condemned.

        Then two days later somebody actually does something and even this website is in agreement to condemn them for “destroying public property”

        There’s other comments saying the Portland protests fucked up by trying to take over the library and that was bad optics. Were getting really close to “only protest in the designated protest zones and then go home when asked”

        Can’t wait to see this revolution that doesn’t harm any property or does anything that would make the media condemn them and doesn’t inconvenience anybody.

        By the way Biden just made some public comments calling these protests anti Semitic after saying hamas started this on the 7th

        • Sons_of_Ferrix@hexbear.net
          5 months ago

          Can’t wait to see this revolution that doesn’t harm any property or does anything that would make the media condemn them and doesn’t inconvenience anybody.

          Nobody is calling for that.

          What they’re calling for is for the organizing to make the property damage effective and bad press ineffective.

          • Adkml [he/him]@hexbear.net
            5 months ago

            Might as well call for a perpetual motion device while they’re at it.

            If they’re concerning themselves with how the media that is specifically set up funded and maintained to discredit them will react they should team up with the libs saying they can’t do anything because republicans will call them communists.

            • Sons_of_Ferrix@hexbear.net
              5 months ago

              You’re talking past my point.

              Yes we can’t control what the media says and they’ll always spread anti-communist bull shit. It’s easier to spread our own propaganda to counter them when you have a well organized movement that can plan actions strategically.

              Every movement that used terrorist tactics that ever achieved anything was still organized. The Viet Cong didn’t do spontaneous terror.

              • Adkml [he/him]@hexbear.net
                5 months ago

                The Viet Cong didn’t do spontaneous terror.

                John McCain is universally considered a war hero by liberals because of all the “terror” he endured as a poor innocent pow.

                This is exactly what I mean the general public still thinks we “won” Vietnam and just got tired of fighting so we left.

                Because that’s exactly what the media is set up to do.

        • happybadger [he/him]@hexbear.net
          5 months ago

          I cannot believe somebody is condemning burning police cars lmao. Let alone that they’re trying to frame it as “destroying tax payer funded property”

          The property isn’t sacred because it’s taxpayer funded. I’m just saying that the action is symbolic but materially counterproductive because the fleet will be immediately replaced with better cars using taxpayer funds. That turns the public against the person who destroyed them, doesn’t deprive the police of anything they won’t replace by the end of the week, and it leads to nothing larger unless many people in your shoes are so inspired by it that you’re willing to martyr yourself for more symbolic property damage.

          There are even moments for me when propaganda of the deed has merit. Huey P Newton walking down the street with a shotgun prepared to kill anyone who interferes with him putting up a stop sign at a dangerous intersection because the city refuses to, that’s a symbolic action which inspires and educates for decades after. It drives people right to the local BPP chapter because everyone knows who he is and sees that their safety is in their own collective hands. The assassin who killed Shinzo Abe turned an entire nation against Shinzo Abe and destroyed his power bloc because it exposed his corruption in the vacuum it left. No stated ideology I’m aware of, no party to recruit people to, one symbolic action which found public support because the public ultimately wasn’t ideologically with Shinzo Abe. I don’t know what the right adventurist move would be for the Gaza protests, but watch how this one develops and judge the effectiveness based on that. I think it sets too high of a bar for action, immediately alienates many of the most radical people who’d be doing that action, does an action which only benefits the police while making the non-radical public hate them more, and offers no Plan B if a bunch of people don’t individually decide to start a civil war before this leaves the news cycle in a few days. I’m condemning one idealist tilting at windmills because a group of people can swing swords more effectively at other things.

      • happybadger [he/him]@hexbear.net
        5 months ago

        In a left that’s been indoctrinated with tankie hysteria brainworms, it’s hard to tell what’s an op and what’s a teenager uncritically watching youtube videos and becoming parasocial friends with podcasters. This manifesto is both something that makes me immediately suspicious and is like the arson version of what frustrates me every time I cook for Food Not Bombs.

  • itappearsthat@hexbear.net
    5 months ago

    I guess this is the thread where hexbear learns that the student occupations are overwhelmingly organized by anarchist groups who don’t like the PSL. I don’t know of any exceptions but would be happy to hear them. Certainly communists participated in the organization but it was predominantly an anarchist show.

    It sucks these people are being overtly sectarian but you didn’t hear much blowback here before this statement came out. Now it’s adventurist this, fed that. Come on!

    • immuredanchorite [he/him, any]@hexbear.net
      5 months ago

      I guess this is the thread where hexbear learns that the student occupations are overwhelmingly organized by anarchist groups who don’t like the PSL

      not what I have seen at all. it isn’t just being “overly sectarian” it is anticommunism-- literally fed shit. they risk a whole lot to pull this off and then use their statement to shit on communists

      • itappearsthat@hexbear.net
        5 months ago

        Take it from someone who sat in at encampment planning meetings where the specific question “should we involve the PSL” was asked and answered. The perception among organizers was that PSL is using events like this to drive membership instead of organizing to accomplish a specific goal like divestment. I don’t agree with that assessment and think of myself as a communist and like the PSL but that is what I saw.

        • Babs [she/her]@hexbear.net
          5 months ago

          Anarchists when Communists want to support their project dean-frown

          Anarchists when Communists have a project they weren’t invited to dean-malice

        • immuredanchorite [he/him, any]@hexbear.net
          5 months ago

          idk, that’s one example, and even if I disagree I can see why someone might say that. that is something anarchists say about every organization because anarchists don’t “recruit” really. but I have more than a few direct counterexamples I have personally witnessed, so I would not say that encampments are primarily organized by anarchist groups. that is probably just something that varies from city to city

        • jack [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
          5 months ago

          And in my encampment PSL was very specifically invited because we are leaders and experienced organizers. If you look at most encampments you’ll see plenty of PSL collab on the relevant SJP social media post, which requires mutual approval.

    • shitholeislander [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      5 months ago

      student occupations are overwhelmingly organized by anarchist groups

      this just isn’t true, there are clearly a lot of communists involved with them as well. what is true is that all the sectarian parties that try to organise in a communist way have failed to play a significant role in them but some of the occupations were very clearly led by Marxists/Maoists lol

      basically what this tells us is that none of the strictly communist organisations we have right now are capable of rising to the moment and many of them actually have a bad reputation amongst the advanced sections of the masses bc of a pattern of opportunism, tailism, commandism, etc… other organisations such as PYM and WOL are showing us the way, we have to learn from them.

        • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
          5 months ago

          Actions can be both cool and adventurist at the same time. For example, was the assassination of Hendrik Verwoerd, the apartheid president of South Africa, cool? Yes it was. It was incredibly brave and the morally correct thing to do. Was it also adventurist? Unfortunately also yes, as the assassination of Verwoerd did not lead to the collapse of apartheid, it continued for decades afterwards. There was no solid plan for what came after, Verwoerd’s assassin (Tsafendas) planned to flee the country and seek refuge in Cuba or Greece. While the actions Tsafendas took were commendable, deserve praise, and came at a great personal sacrifice (of being tortured for the rest of his life in prison), unfortunately they did not lead to his desired goal. Adventuristic violence is a very risky strategy that rarely leads to the desired outcomes. This is why many communists throughout history have spoken and written about the dangers of adventurism. I think the only recent example of successful adventurism was the assassination of Shinzo Abe.

          • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]@hexbear.net
            5 months ago

            If we’re gonna condemn every piece of action that destroys tools of oppression as adventurist nothing will be left but book clubs. There’s a genocide going on. Shit like this is long long overdue.

        • dead [he/him]@hexbear.net
          5 months ago

          It’s really not complicated. The burning of police cars is not the problem. Burning police cars is a show of power. If an organized communist party is showing power then it is good. If anti-communist individualists are doing a show of power, then it is bad.

          You’re really showing your true colors by making a dozen salty posts about why you can’t see that anticommunists showing power is a bad thing.

          • DivineChaos100 [none/use name]@hexbear.net
            5 months ago

            Burning police cars is a show of power to you, since you are not thinking apart from ML panels. To me and most anarchists burning police cars is a way to make it way more expensive to the state to participate in genocide in any way we can.

            In another “salty post” i already clarified that if they are not coordinating their stuff with communists, fuck them. But if burning cop cars is indeed not the problem why do i have to make a dozen salty posts explaining that burning cop cars isn’t a problem? Why can’t y’all chalk this up as a broken clock being accidentally right?

            • HexbearGPT [comrade/them]@hexbear.netOP
              5 months ago

              the insurance payments on these burned old junker training vehicles may actually give PPB a bigger budget to purchase new and fancy weapons and vehicles to replace these old junkers.

              this action may end up increasing the power of PPB to project force on the community fighting for divestment from genocide in the long run. the budget office of the PPB and the police chief are probably secretly happy this happened.

              just FYI.

    • LesbianLiberty [she/her]@hexbear.net
      5 months ago

      No, in my experience, despite anarchists still being the vast majority of the irl left (including sectarian jokers who, in my experience, will limit their work to admittedly awesome adventurist bullshit like this), in my area they completely dropped the ball and haven’t sufficiently worked with SJP, whereas PSL has.

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]@hexbear.net
      5 months ago

      Certainly communists participated in the organization but it was predominantly an anarchist show.

      This is remarkably common in 21st-century social movements in America.

      • umbrella@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        western anarchists seem to spew a lot of red scare propaganda online. dunno about irl because i’m not in the us, but this can be a factor.

        • tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          5 months ago

          In the US I’ve seen anarchists and MLs working together no problem, during any action I haven’t seen much disagreement, it seems more theoretical IMO.

          • Nakoichi [they/them]@hexbear.netM
            5 months ago

            As @infuziSporg@hexbear.net said, there are a lot less differences between us than feds and wreckers would have us believe. Food Not Bombs is one of my go-to examples of a space where anarchists MLs and Maoists collaborate and cooperate with far more ideological overlap than conflict.

            I made a whole twitter thread about this but my account got banned.

            Assuming that the same old hundred year past ideological beefs will or must play out exactly the same as they did in the early 20th century is defeatist, anti-materialist, and smacks of book worship and dogmatism. Mao would be ashamed of these people. After all, he was an anarchist himself in college.

        • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]@hexbear.net
          5 months ago

          I used to be one of those anarchists, until I started to get a better sense of the history of revolutionary movements and of the completeness of Western propaganda. Eventually I came to see anarchism and Marxism less as delineations and more as foundations.

          The world is a lot friendlier without dogmatic grudges against leftists.

    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]@hexbear.net
      5 months ago

      I dunno, but the way some of this statement is worded leads me to believe that it was written by someone that likely wasn’t involved in any of the protests to begin with.

      The “blowback” isn’t against the actual protestors.

  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    5 months ago

    What these people have done is brave, but if you are going to do adventurism, you might as well have fried some bacon as well, to really prove to me that you are serious. These people are just as afraid of confrontation with the larger problem as the current Communist parties are. They think property damage to completely unrelated parties is enough to bring about divestment, when any university that ‘stands firm against chaos’ has the potential to receive millions of dollars in endowments (bribes) from the powers that be.

    I am going to use this little sideline action here to finally say what I say about ALL student protestors or any kind of action like this. What they are doing is commendable, brave, and I would never tell them not to do it. But it will not change things.

    The only thing that has even an iota of possibly changing things is long-term organized labor coupled with the threat of revolutionary violence and the will to follow through with that threat. It has to be both! The reason why you have to have both is because those that control labor control the wealth of the nation, and can prevent the state from just immediately rebuilding their losses. If you cannot do that, you will always, inevitably, lose. Fidel won not because of his revolutionary violence, but because everyone in the region he was in was willing to use their labor to support him and his movement, the same goes for the Viet Min and any other revolutionary organization that has ever been successful…

    • macerated_baby_presidents [he/him]@hexbear.net
      5 months ago

      I think burning cop cars isn’t bad, and it can actually be helpful if it’s timed to impede an encampment raid or something. You’re right that student protests can’t win alone. The power of the proletariat ultimately comes from our low-level control over the means of production, and students don’t have that yet. So short-term I think our task is to link the student protests with organized labor. Campus unions (faculty/staff/student workers) have already been waking up: CUNY did a wildcat sick-out on May Day, University of California employees have a strike vote next week. Some of the more militant general unions are stirring; some UAW members are pushing Fain to rescind his Biden endorsement and SBWU (maybe just the IL ones?) released a statement in support of the encampments.

      Note that, for instance, UAW actually has a bunch of grad workers. Imagine if UAW 4811, the one at UC, authorizes a strike, and UAW members in other industries are so fired up that they call (illegal) solidarity strikes.

    • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      5 months ago

      What these people have done is brave, but if you are going to do adventurism, you might as well have fried some bacon as well, to really prove to me that you are serious. These people are just as afraid of confrontation with the larger problem as the current Communist parties are. They think property damage to completely unrelated parties is enough to bring about divestment, when any university that ‘stands firm against chaos’ has the potential to receive millions of dollars in endowments (bribes) from the powers that be.

      You can criticize these people all you want, but when our Communist leaders are traveling the US and Europe in the middle of a crisis while praising Kissinger on his death bed, I’d say I’ll give these guys a tap on the back, they cleared a very low bar.

      • TreadOnMe [none/use name]@hexbear.net
        5 months ago

        Nobody has cleared any bars yet imo. Nobody is actually doing what is required of the moment and we are all shitting the bed. The hope is that we can take these moments, learn from them, and not give in to reactionary sectarian stab in the back nonsense when we inevitably fail.