Loss in terms of money or efforts. Could be recent or ancient.
Buying Twitter for 44B and renaming it to X.
Would be even more of a blunder if people just absolutely refuse to stop calling it Twitter.
Recent or ancient, not future.
They lost almost half their ad revenue. I’d call that recent. Of course, it hasn’t actually killed the platform…
Brexit. As historical blunders go, this has a beautiful unambiguous purity.
I agree, but unlike usual blunders this was very much planned!
Once the campaigns were underway, yes. But the opportunity came from a huge blunder by David Cameron. He called the referendum expecting an easy win for the remain side that would silence the anti-EU faction in his party and shore up his position as PM. Instead, the anti-EU faction won, prompting his own resignation and causing damage to the UK’s economy, a loss of global influence, the loss of British people’s right to live and work in the EU, and reopening difficult issues in Northern Ireland that had been laid to rest for years. It also arguably sped up the Conservative Party’s lurch to the right and its embrace of UKIP-like policies, disempowering Conservative moderates and leading to the spiral of ever less competent governments we have seen since then. In particular, Boris Johnson’s rise was a direct result of post-referendum power games among Conservative politicians.
So what’s David Cameron up to these days? I’m sure such a massive and unnecessary screw-up has landed him in dire personal straights. /s
Mmm-hmm. Aristos go brrrr.
It’s less that I think we should be tougher on former politicians, and more that I’d like to see anybody ordinary fail that upwardly.
I didn’t keep up with this at all (I’m from across the pond) and I wondered why Brexit was even thought up in the first place.
It’s so sad to see conservatives fucking things up over there too.
Well, I’m in Canada and our Conservatives are pretty active in making this a worse place to live too. Currently they run almost all of the provincial governments, but they may take the federal government after the next election. Not something to look forward to.
It’s heartbreaking to see happen with y’all. We’re a mess, PLEASE LEARN FROM US!
religious right wingers are dangerous AF. Don’t let religious folk skate by on some “we’re persecuted” shit.
They know what they’re doing, don’t treat them with kid gloves like we did in the US
As long as Truedu isn’t running the party has a chance. Conservatives are split 4 ways and liberals only 2.
Scotland trying to colonize the Darien gap It bankrupted Scotland and forced the union of England and Scotland to be the UK.
China’s Four Pests campaign is a great example. As the campaign says, China had a bit of a pest problem. One of these particular pests was the sparrow. The government decided it would be a great idea to launch an “exterminate sparrows” campaign. The only problem was sparrows ate other pests such as bedbugs and locusts.
In short, they sucessfully curbed the “sparrow problem” and replaced it with a “locusts and bedbugs problem”. This ultimately upset the ecological balance and further lowered the rice yields. It was a complete disaster
I vaguely remember reading about that when I was younger. I don’t know if it’s true, but this is what I read.
The peasants and farmers were made to stand in the fields throwing stones at the sparrows, preventing them from landing. The thinking was that the sparrows would die from exhaustion, if they weren’t killed by the stones.
What actually happened was that the existing crops were either trampled or broken by the stones, and as the farmers weren’t working the fields, nothing grew the following year either.
Like I say, I have no idea whether it’s true, or if it was just 80’s anti communist propaganda, but it’s stuck in my head ever since.
I’d be shocked if they could actually throw that many rocks, but the basic idea is that the policy didn’t work as intended, and that’s correct.
The “why don’t we just…” school of public policy.
The great leap forward was such a colossal clusterfuck that you can’t blame it on any one thing (although most of them would be prevented without the authoritarianism). Literally everything was wrong. Sparrows, lysenkoism, forced collectivization (basically, and perhaps ironically, farmers not owning the means of production), Mao just being evil, backyard burners, rigid chain of command that gave the chairman absolute authority but at the same prevented him from knowing what was going on, everything.
One of the best examples of unintended consequences, aiding in one of the largest human caused disasters.
I like to call it “The Great Stumble Backwards”
Followed closely by the cannibal revolution
Another good example is when the Soviet Union dammed the Aral Sea in order to create irrigation canals for cotton and other produce in the region. It worked at first and they had a huge economic boom, but this is also one of history’s most prominent examples of “Ecological Collapse”
I mean, they did produce the cotton they wanted…
It’s less an example of a blunder and more an example of how few fucks the Soviets gave about being “green”.
Sounds similar to what we did in Australia.
Sounds exactly like a China thing.
I bet lemmygrad would explain how it was actually a good thing, especially for the sparrows.
Like how Florida is going to teach how slavery benefited black people
Yeah, authoritarians gonna authorit.
We’ll there was that time Kublai Khan tried to invade Japan with the largest amphibious assault in history (until D-day) and got absolutely wrecked by a typhoon.
Then tried again a few years later, with an even larger force, and got wrecked by another typhoon.
You can’t leave aside the fact that those typhoons were called “Divine Winds”, or kamikaze.
This kamikaze was far more effective than the later one, though.
I doubt if it counts as a blunder, but thanks for sharing anyway.
Their blunder was using disgruntled Chinese labor to build their ships. It turns out that conquering people makes them rather upset.
It turns out that conquering people makes them rather upset.
It can, but sometimes they hated the old bosses even more than your imperial ass.
When the Spanish were raping the New World in the 1500s for gold, they dumped enormous quantities of platinum into the ocean because it was the wrong kind of shiny metal. Nobody in Europe had any clue how valuable the stuff was, only that it was often used to counterfeit gold. But since it wasn’t gold, or even silver, everyone thought it was worthless. This was exasperated by the fact that nobody could melt the stuff until the 1800s. But mostly it was just not yellow enough for the idiots at the time.
You don’t hold onto a useless material for 400 years hoping it has some value in the future.
Ever heard of the cables drawer? Bet you feel real stupid now
No. I pair and clean my out monthly.
Coming down from the trees was a pretty big blunder. Nothing but losses ever since.
And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
But… but we wouldn’t be having this conversation if our ancestors hadn’t done that! 🤷♀️
Yeah that’s part of the mistake
Chernobyl comes to mind as the biggest fuck up ever. Whenever I think I fucked up I try to remember, it can never be as bad as Chernobyl.
Ended up taking down the soviet union. The whole meltdown is fascinating. I read a book about it. I think it was called midnight at chernobyl, so something like it.
What I know of it is mostly from the HBO mini-series that aired a few years ago. Did it really have that much impact on the fall of the USSR? My understanding was that the gradual attrition of competing with the West was the ultimate cause. I’m interested to learn more. Gonna go read some wikipedia on it.
It was one of the reasons, as it required huge spending on extinguishing the reactor, draft up to a million personnel, dosimetry equipment, helicopters, thousands of trucks, then cleaning the zone around the reactor, building the sarcophagus on rush, evacuating people from the exclusion zone, digging up upper layer of dirt in a radius of several kilometers, patient treatment, and keeping everything in secret.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration that the costs of the liquidation compare to costs of a small war. Besides, the Soviets were involved in a harsh Afghanistan war.
Yeah it struck fear, we could never fully utilize nuclear energy because people are scared.
I was going to say something like the Hindenburg, but I think you have me beat.
Do you guys remember that time u/Spez took the reddit API away from third party apps?
Unfortunately most reddit users didn’t even notice. Or just don’t care.
I hope the Redditors that didn’t care about the whole thing never find their way here. I can’t imagine being that apathetic about something you use daily.
Eh. I wouldn’t hold that against them. Reddit or Lemmy is just social media. Just one small aspect in people’s lives. Pretty hard to care about something like Reddit taking away API access when you’ve got much more important things like a job, a social life and a family to care for. Even harder when you only use the official apps.
I wish it had the same effect as version 4 of digg. He is probably still over there, editing posts he doesn’t like.
Oh wow, that really takes me back. 🤌🏼
Nobody cared. Only reddit addicts and power tripping jannies, who all seem to have migrated here.
The Jan. 6th insurrectionists who thought Trump was going to pardon them all because they were heroes.
Or that they were doing the middle class any favors by fucking up the nation’s credit score (as it were) with their smooth-brain fuckery. 🤦🏼♂️
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The Gunpowder Plot. Guy Fawkes and his friends were about to blow up parliament, and on the week it was supposed to happen, one of his accomplices sent a letter to a noble. In what was probably the worst example of “asking for a friend” in history, it asked “hypothetically, what would happen if someone went into the basement and blew up parliament”. The noble did what nobody expected he would do and, get this, responded to the letter. People searched the palace basement and found Guy Fawkes, he was arrested and killed, and we have Guy Fawkes Day. The reason this led to a loss is because the king of England at the time used it as an excuse to persecute Catholics and make the holiday which is used as a taunt.
Guy Fawkes wasn’t just killed though. He and his fellow conspirators suffered greatly before they died, and even after death their executioners inflicted torment on the corpses.
"They were to be “put to death halfway between heaven and earth as unworthy of both”. Their genitals would be cut off and burnt before their eyes, and their bowels and hearts removed. They would then be decapitated, and the dismembered parts of their bodies displayed so that they might become “prey for the fowls of the air”.
Based on his orders, the king sounds like he had a bone to pick.
King Mansu Musa was incredibly rich and when he went on hajj to mecca he spent much of his gold in Egypt causing a massive inflation. On his way back to Mali this has caused him needing to spend much more this time on his route through Egypt which is why he needed loans from merchants.
Dunno if this could be considered a big loss?
Whether many of the answers here count as a blunder or not, I’d like to say that I got way more replies than I expected and came to know about a lot of stuff I would have never heard otherwise. Thanks for sharing.
Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg
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This is why I never felt comfortable enough to use one of those. A have a formula for generating passwords for each account so I only have to remember that instead of individual passwords. I know password manager might be more convenient but I’m too used to the way I’ve been doing things all these years…
Have you had any luck recovering your Bitwarden?
I used to do this, there’s always a slight worry that some place will get a couple of your passwords and be able to figure out your formula the chances are pretty slim. Were the real pain came from me, when a website forces you to change your password, or they require some limit to the letters numbers and punctuation that wouldn’t allow me to use my formula. I had a growing list of websites that had more exceptions.
You’re right about those pesky sites that have exceptions (like no special characters)!
Alright, I’ll check out a password manager. Maybe it’s time to see if I can get used to it…
I started out using LastPass because it’s what work used which was obviously a bad idea. When it came time to leave them I moved to bitwarden which has been pretty fantastic but I mainly use it because I need to share passwords amongst my family and I really like the TOTP integration.
If I didn’t have that need I would probably use KeypassX and throw it’s database into a Dropbox or Syncthing.
I just downloaded Proton Pass. I’ve been using their email for years now and I like it quite a lot. But I’ll check out bitwarden as well!
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There are Browser plug-ins for captchas. Haven’t tried any, but in your case it might be worth it to check them out.
What’s more likely: forgetting the master password to your password manager or one of the many passwords you have memorized? I totally get not wanting to trust a hosted service with all of your passwords in case it disappears (having an offline backup would remedy that), but not using one out of fear of forgetting a master password is overblown.
I get what you mean and you’re right. It’s just that I got used to how I memorize my passwords and so far haven’t really felt the need to try a manager (yet).
You can always do the mostly sane thing of having a master password to your main vault as the only saved password of different password vault, i.e bitwardens master password saved in an encyrpted keepass file. You have 2 passwords to remember, but also a fail safe if you forget one.
That or just write it down somewhere safe and sane.
The best offline backup is a piece of paper.
Bitwarden effectivly uses your master password to encrypt all the other passwords.
Without the master password all the data is gibberish. Even if you reset your master password, you get back nothing.
You have my deepest sympathies
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Sorry to hear that. I didn’t mean to remind people of their personal mistakes. Hope you’ll recover your password soon.
The Las Vegas Loop.
(known on dictionaries as a tunnel)
And nobody have died there yet.
oh that’s not a blunder, that was intentionally a flop to prevent California from developing a high speed rail network
You may be confusing the Las Vegas Loop and the Hyperloop. Las Vegas Loop is the shitty tunnel you drive teslas single file through in Las Vegas, Hyperloop was the “vacuum tube frictionless train replacement” that was used to reduce excitement about the high speed rail proposal.
You mean X?