I used to drink massive amounts of coffee, but I’m slowly transitioning to tea. I don’t think the caffeine does me any favors mood-wise, but I still really love the flavor of coffee. What do you drink?

  • I have an oral fixation and I know how addictive Coffee is so that a big no from me. I choose Tea, it’s really good and it pairs well with breakfast without killing my stomach later

  • deleted by creator
    92 years ago

    I quit caffeine a few years ago and it had a marked improvement on my overall mental health.

  • @Bobbycostner@lemmygrad.ml
    82 years ago

    I love coffee but generally am finished drinking it by midday. I do it in a caffetier which does about 2 and a half mugs which is enough. I’ve managed to reduce the amount of scoops to 5 now. I think i was going a bit heavy with it. I have it with cream mostly which is just delicious.

    I do drink soft drinks so will get caffeine from them but I don’t do things like red bull etc. That’s just unhealthy.

  • Muad'Dibber
    72 years ago

    I like tea better, much more variety, but if you love coffee, learn how to cold brew at home(its really cheap), and get one of those monthly subscriptions to coffees from around the world. You’ll have some of the best coffees you’ve ever had for really cheap.

  • nixfreak
    72 years ago

    I drink a pot in the morning , then 1 - 3 energy drinks through out the day. I really want Turkish coffee though …

  • DankZedong ☭☭☭
    72 years ago

    I drink coffee and strong one too. So strong that my place of work had to implement limits on coffee grounds in the machine otherwise my coworkers couldn’t drink it.

    That being said, caffeine can be a removed. I don’t drink coffee after 15h so that I don’t fuck up my sleeping.

  • @lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
    72 years ago

    I like it but I really don’t want to get accustomed to its effect so I try to only drink it when I feel really tired. I don’t feel like being dependent on caffeine to go through the day is going to improve my wellbeing

  • Soviet Snake
    72 years ago

    I prepare a kettle with coffee in the morning, it serves about one mug and a half, two mugs depending on the size of it, during the afternoon I drink mate (sometimes I switch to tea instead) which also contains high amounts of caffeine, and I stop drinking any kind of caffeine beverage before 1800 so that I can sleep properly. I think that if you manage to lower your dosage you should be fine. I really need something to wake me up in the morning, so yeah.

    • @simply_surprise@lemmygrad.mlOP
      42 years ago

      That’s about where I’m at. I coldbrew a French press over night, then switch to tea in the afternoon. It is nice to have the pick-me-up in the morning! 😁

  • Drstrange2love
    62 years ago

    a pot of pure black coffee a day helps me concentrate and focus and makes me sleepy, and I’ve never been sleepy because of it.

  • @sudojonz@lemmygrad.ml
    62 years ago

    Without a mug of black drip coffee or moka pot (from properly roasted beans, not black-oil roast) to start my day, my outlook is pretty dark. I used to think it was the caffeine but tea doesn’t cut it at all. There’s something in that coffee that makes me hate this world a bit less by the time the cup is empty. No idea what I will do on that front when the real war comes, probably kamikaze for a good cause.

  • @CITRUS@lemmygrad.ml
    62 years ago

    I don’t drink coffee as much as I used to

    I AM a massive mountain dew addict though, and it’s summer so you can get Baja Blast, I drink like 2 liters a day at least. End me, please.

    • @CITRUS@lemmygrad.ml
      62 years ago

      And again, “American Coffee”

      Sometimes when the pods run out, and when we dont have enough money (which happens a lot) Ill get ahitty coffee from McDonalds. Here’s the kicker the have a giant board showing the LatAm countries where they “create jobs” with their cheap coffee, hmmm.

    • I say this with love. Get that Mt. Dew shit under control if you can. Got a coworker who lives and dies on that shit for hydration. Mother fucker’s kidneys failed and he spent a week and a half in the hospital.

      Otherwise, please chase that soda with plenty of water at least. Dont let that shit kill ya, my guy.

        • Homie. I live in Appalachia. Mt. Dew is like godly nectar. There is nothing much more satisfying than an ice cold Mt. Dew around here. Except for southern sweet iced tea or Ski.

          • @CITRUS@lemmygrad.ml
            12 years ago

            I’m happy it’s summer so I can get Baja Blast. I mainly drink Diet, sue me.

            What’s ski?

            I like to imagine you guys have this secret spring that y’all harvest Mountain Dew from. Your second biggest export is mountain dew next to coal.

            Wait if y’all are already impoverished while running on coal, how y’all gonna survive when we start going sustainable. Socialism or bust? Blaire Mountain round two, for keeps?

  • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    52 years ago

    I make kombucha that I ferment for a full month so there’s very little sugar or caffeine in it at that point. Closer to a vinegar really. Sometimes I make a cup of hot tea in the am to go with my kombucha or something but generally I don’t really like caffeine or what it does to me. Other than that it’s water all the way.