is a fucking disaster. I don’t remember any user accounts from that place who comment with any sort of sanity. It’s like the lemmygrad of the LBGTQIA+.
What are we, chopped liver?
blahaj zone is 4 years behind us and its sad
Coming back to this thread just to say reading the whine thread? I am living for watching PugJesus get repeatedly kicked in the face.
It’s so satisfying, I keep checking back even though I can’t comment.
same here it’s soo cathartic
Even broke out on my home instance. Although half are from people just complaining they got banned or removed for not following the rules in the update thread 🙃
I hate ikea.
What’s that? The consoomer-queer instance that branded itself around Swedish kitsch who routinely sell their souls and asses to cops and capitalists every year as clockwork as the seasons, has a transphobe problem? After tryna position themselves as the ‘safe’ queer instance???
Comedy gold. I couldn’t write better. 10/10.
Turns out that you have to actually ban transphobes so they disappear from your “safe” instance instead of just closing your eyes
It’s like looking though a time machine to Chapo.Chat
Keep on eye on the blahaj mods, they might become tankies at this rate.
Considering their “fuck tankies” rule, I doubt it, without fundamentally losing the purpose of blahaj.
Lol the world power users took a stand against blahaj and are now posting goodbye posts
Of course it’s PJ, the most fed-coded “left” anticommunist on that site. This is, of course, after they defended Blahaj users accusing Hexbear users of being “fake trans” for “internet clout.” PJ will always take the most reactionary stance that can be shrouded in idealist leftism possible.
I had been wondering why my feed looked measurably less toxic and it was just missing PJ because he got banned from .ml 3 months ago
I blocked them because I tried several times to reach them to no avail, they’re so fed-coded and firmly denounce any successful leftist movement and firmly support only “left” anticommunism or color revolutions.
Cant wait for one of his daily anti tankie posts to mention blahaj
One of the only people I blocked on my account, their relentless “left” anticommunism would make Orwell and Chomsky blush. I tried several times to reach them but they had no consistent views, just firm denouncement of anything successful and rabid support for every color revolution as “true” leftism.
Some of them are just too far gone…
I don’t think that’s quite true, they believe what they do because underneath it all, they seek to perpetuate the Status Quo. They oppose real change to US Imperialism because they benefit from it, or at least believe they do, ergo if they can be convinced otherwise they may change their tune. However, I don’t have the patience required for that.
Masses, Elites, and Rebels: The Theory of “Brainwashing” is a must read on this subject.
Thanks for the recommendation!
No problem!
Mythic rare not terrible comment:
I think it’s interesting that 4chan has invented “anon” as, functionally, a naturally occurring genderless neopronoun. I would argue even more genderless than xe/xim because while xe/xim was created in relation to gender, anon was created with no connection to gender at all. Xe/xim is “not he or she” whereas anon is he, she, they, xe, or anything else. There’s other words as well (homie, oomfie, bestie) that are functionally genderless neopronouns although these (and anon) are commonly used alongside gendered pronouns eg: anon posted his greentext on 4chan, I visited bestie and her dog.
This is absolutely not true. The “anonymity” of 4chan was always cishet coded - there’s no girls on the internet etc. And if any woman wants to assert her gender she can, she just has to open herself up to misogynistic harassment - t*ts or gtfo etc.
Then there’s the use of the gay f-word that 4chan likes to slap onto everything. It’s always been a male space.
Deeply looking forward to adding the “singular ‘chat’” discourse to the struggle session list once everyone is over “singular ‘they’”.
“bro” is a currently very popular neopronoun that cishets have no trouble parsing
post readsettlers at him, see if you get banned for anti-white racism as well
Lib status: SCRATCHED!
Like natural fire cycles in a forest promotes healthy growth purges too are a needed part in keeping a healthy social sphere
i was honestly so surpised when we were originally talking about what pronouns to add, i very hesitantly suggested a neopronoun even though i was awkward and nervous and scared of stepping on trans peoples’ toes, and the only responce i got was “cool. done 👍”… like, you’re not going to make me justify that? or explain my whole deal? or even ask what that is??? wild. based hexbear
The thing is, and what those arguing against it don’t understand, that it matters to someone and that’s enough to say “okay, who cares if this user is trolling (or dragons aren’t real or what-the-fuck-ever), it matters to someone so it’s worth protecting.”
What dumber still is that the people who use it to troll only get their kicks if anyone reacts to it. If no one does and just calls them what they say they want they’ll just give up.
The site with Blahaj in the name didn’t already have a neopronouns rule?
Not really surprising, the name itself is a red flag
I think they did and this is just a clarification/reminder.
I think the reminder was basically, “It doesn’t matter if you think either a user’s pronouns or the user themselves is trolling (or problematic, etc.) - the rules still require you to respect everyone’s pronouns.”
Apparently some moderators think that the now banned hexbear troll with the username: “dronerights”, modlog entry here warning for reactionary content and trolling, has returned to troll the as a new account, which had led to this whole blow up.
not surprised that a drama pervert like pugjesus is slobbering all over that thread
PJ is almost comically fed-coded, I have never seen a more blatant wrecker. They only support color revolutions and failed attempts as “true leftism,” denouncing all AES and even the Black Panthers. They are one of the few people I blocked on my account.
Yeah I blocked that fucker a few months ago over the constant whiny memes they were posting.
They’re the absolute worst, just terrible opinions all around and a massive condescending asshole about everything too.
I guess we are the Mecha-Stalin of queer people then
Where did that bring you?
Another reminder that your movement requires people constantly pushing the envelope to root out reactionaries. 🫡 to the dragon.
What is the impulse that causes people to think anyone wants to hear about the things they don’t like?
Simply don’t engage if you think neopronouns are strange and let everyone else live their lives.
I don’t hold this opinion about neopronouns just thinking into the text field
Simply don’t engage if you think neopronouns are strange and let everyone else live their lives.
Or just don’t get hung up on the pronouns and evaluate their posts based on their content. If you don’t care about what they post, no need to worry about their pronouns, and if you do want to respond, it’s not that hard to work out.
The thing I find most amusing of this whole drama is that that main people involved make up 50% of my block list for generally being annoying as hell, no matter what they’re posting about. If we could get Flying Squid and the Media Bias bot from the .world news communities to weigh in, I could round out the whole list.
Drag can do as drag wants, I’m not going to see it, so I don’t care.