I just finished playing through Tormented Souls, a mostly okay indie Silent Hill/RE clone and went to look at the unreleased sequel’s Steam page, and also regrettably the Steam discussions, which are probably the worst gamer cesspit outside of like, 4chan.

The “nudity for story purposes” from the first game being referred to here was a cutscene where you could see the main character’s boobs for like 15 seconds. Those 15 seconds of gratuitous polygonal nipples seem to be the main thing gamers took away from the entire 8-12 hour experience hypersus

Here’s some enlightened discussion from the same thread

“In the trailer Caroline appears to have drastically shrunk in her chest area? Could you good sires please fix that?” nerd

There are also several threads where upset gamers vent their anger about the main character wearing pants instead of a dress in the sequel

The dress is the main costume? I really like the dress, makes her feminine and there is not a Lot of main protagonists using one… so its stays or no?

bring back the dress or no buy

Also, a woman should look feminine and not like a metal band singer guy in IKEA. Not to mention that beautiful and feminine women are one of the most basic cornerstones of the genre. Not to mention that any kind or any hint of wokeness these days results in a “0 sales” figure and a “never buy again anything from these” attitude towards a studio.

Nah, developers decided to go with a more boring design. Sorry, Did I say boring. What I meant to say was “MoRe ReAlIsTiC” Wouldn’t be surprised if the developers ended up making a bunch of dumb woke arguments as the reasoning. Frankly, kinda sick of this attitude in gaming in general. I bought the first one, not going to buy this one.

I remember the forums for the first game were full of cucks complaining about the dress, this is their fault.

PS: Keep the awesome hip sway she had! It was hypnotic!

I had a feeling the character design would be made to be more boring and generic this time around, looks like I was right. They literal just put a hobo jacket on her. Lame…nothing can just be fun anymore. Everyone so concerned with “It LoOkS mOrE rEaLiStIc”

The only thing that drew me to the original was a feminine looking protagonist, which you don’t see from the west anymore. They must feel like they’ll sell more copies if the sequel looks like everything else though.

There is a contingent of gamers that will buy games just to look at female character models they find hot. What type of game it is or even if the games are any good is not a concern. I just can’t wrap my head around being that horny

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]@hexbear.netOP
      6 days ago

      Yeah, but if you look at all the comments I posted, a lot of them aren’t even getting angry about a possible lack of boobs, they’re mad about the character not wearing a dress. Like these dudes just want to look at a pretty digital woman being girly

  • ryepunk [he/him]@hexbear.net
    6 days ago

    I can only imagine that it’s all twelve year olds, or alternatively all like 70 year olds. And I don’t know which one is worse. I can’t imagine it’s anyone twenty to fifty though, because you’d know how to find porn right? Right? You’d surely just look at porn and wouldn’t want your games to make you horny right? Especially not a scary horror game.

    Like you could at least just go buy an actual porn game if you needed to game and be a pervert at the same time right?

    I hate this world.


    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]@hexbear.netOP
      6 days ago

      I guess I would have just assumed that at least some of the companies who sell their stuff on Steam would object to the forums attached to their products looking like a backed-up toilet and make Valve do something

      • barrbaric [he/him]@hexbear.net
        6 days ago

        IIRC Valve only really tries to cover their asses when mainstream news starts covering something bad they’re doing. All the big publishers are completely amoral and couldn’t care less if the forums attached to their games are hives of nazism, so long as the games sell, and frankly I don’t think there’s enough backlash to stop that from happening. I’ve never heard of anyone boycotting Steam because of the forums, for instance.

          • barrbaric [he/him]@hexbear.net
            6 days ago

            It’s worth noting that Gabe Newell is ideologically libertarian, and he’s able make his dipshit freeze-peach ideas into company policy. In comparison, Microsoft is a giant company run by more typical business people who don’t think it’s worth the risk (though I’m not sure that even really applies; does Xbox have forums?).

  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]@hexbear.net
    6 days ago

    Any game about history will immediately be flooded with nazis on the steam forums. Especially if it’s American Civil War or the world wars. They will piss and shit themselves over the weirdest shit in other genres. You can have an abstract strategy game with zero humans in it and they will find things to be offended about.

    I generally check the forums for multi-player games because they’ll give you an idea of what the player base is like. Apart from the usual whining about balance, I’ll be interested in a game if I see the forums are people offering tips or solving tech issues. If I see it’s all anti-SJW/woke/DEI/rightwing buzzwords, and none of the posts have been locked or bans given to chuds, it’s a nope for me.

    I remember a game called “War of Rights” which is a multi-player Civil War game, similar to Battlefield 1942. The devs weren’t American, so I figured maybe they were unaware of what kind of people the name would attract. I go to the steam forums and a bunch of other people had the same idea. The devs were responding in the comments like “well, the title can be interpreted multiple ways, like war for the rights of slaves.” People were pointing out that’s not how American racists are going to interpret it and will see it as a welcoming mat. Devs still kept the name and sure enough, non-racists lost all interest while chuds were complaining there’s never enough Union players to fight against because everyone wants to play Confederates (including themselves but the line to be a slave owner is too long. “It’s my turn to shoot black soldiers!”).

    Bit of a long tangent, but yeah. Steam forums are generally a cess pit. It’s funny looking at chud profiles, though, and seeing they don’t even have the easiest achievements for the games they whine about.

  • autism_2 [any, it/its]@hexbear.net
    5 days ago

    I think we here can agree this is misogyny, but does the average man care? Would a forum full of shit like this actually make Steam look bad in the eyes of the general population? To me this is less incredible, and more disappointingly normal.

  • ChaosMaterialist [he/him]@hexbear.net
    6 days ago

    Porn-:brainworms: at work. They don’t care about that specific character or game, they want novelty as their previous waifus aren’t doing it for them anymore. Once the novelty wears off they’ll move on to the next game like locust.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]@hexbear.netOP
      5 days ago

      I once saw some Steam user comment on another game’s forum that he didn’t care about the game or gameplay- he bought the game just because he thought the girls in it were cute. He said that when the game had just come out which meant he paid full price agony-shivering

      This wasn’t some fanservice-filled softcore porn title either. Never underestimate the appeal of waifus to weirdos, I guess, but it felt dismissive and disrespectful of the game and the people who made it to me.

      I suppose it explains the huge amounts of energy gamers put into complaining about female characters having chins that are too big or whatever, they’re just that fixated