• TmpodM
    131 year ago

    More open hardware and firmware for sure.
    Stuff like Fairphone and Framework are nice steps forward, but those ideals could be expanded to a lot of other electronics, like house appliances.
    More open hardware and more community-driven repair hubs would go a long way to help reduce consumer electronics waste and actually help people save money.
    But alas, those efforts will always be swimming against a very strong current.

  • Lumberjacked
    91 year ago

    Repairable customizable car platform. Something that could be configured with many features and repowered as technology improves. There’s no reason a well built car couldn’t last 100 years.

    • @hanabatake@lemmy.ml
      71 year ago

      Not only car, but all of the hardware side need projects:

      • e Reader (Bookeen used to be open source but their github seems abandoned)
      • printer
      • coffe machine (it exists)
      • washing machine
      • dishwasher

      Open to suggestions

      • Lumberjacked
        51 year ago

        PRINTER!! Everyone hates them. If you could just 3D print updates to make it better the collective offices of the world would sigh in relief.

      • alex [they/them]
        31 year ago

        Fitness band! Many governmental health organization recommend using an Apple watch because it’s “the best thing out there” and it kills me

        • @hanabatake@lemmy.ml
          11 year ago

          Right ! I did not even think of health material and there is so much work to do there !

          Like an open glucose captor would be so great

  • raubarno
    1 year ago

    I would like to see a unified and federated approach to the community-driven Wikipedia-like index (list) of information like old-good yellow pages that could compete with search engines. There are “awesome”-lists, ArchLinux list of applications, some Wikipedia lists, etc. All of them are pure gold, but are inoperable with each other and obscure. I would like to see something like a dedicated browser or a webpage showing standardized lists of items with only minimal data: name, description, some types, link to the official website, link to Wikipedia (or whatever).

    For example, if I type in “Debian”, it shows me that it is a Linux distribution. It is community based, the newest stable version is “11.x”. For more information, see “https://debian.org” or “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian”. Then it offers some related lists, like a “list of Debian-based distributions”, etc.

    Of course, federation is a necessity if we are talking about the open and diverse web. One server hosts lists of anime & manga, another one hosts a list of cafeterias in a specific region. Plus, in case of failure, these lists could be mirrored by other websites.

    I guess, such a project would make the information more accessible, no more filter bubbles. Also, infrastructure costs would be reduced (no need for a crawling and creating snapshots for every single webpage).

    EDIT: *standardized

    • @altair222@beehaw.org
      01 year ago

      how would you distinguish general purpolse micro-blogging softwares with dating ones? what would be different in their UI/UX and federation?

      • @oriond@lemmy.ml
        21 year ago

        Dating software helps you search among a bunch of people those that match your set of filters, and also tells you when you and the other person like each other.

        Ideally I would federate between instances and create internally a matrix account for everyone so that communications between matched ones are out of the reach of even the sys admins for privacy.

  • @Tatar_Nobility@lemmy.ml
    21 year ago

    A mind map tool for android.

    There is a good non-FOSS app on the play store, Simplemind, which was tracker-free, required no internet connection and also had a healthy privacy policy. Sadly it stopped working because I don’t have google play services on my phone and it doesn’t let me through the license wall. Smh.

  • Sagar Acharya
    11 year ago

    Full featured small compiler. Small like tcc and fully supported like gcc. Basically, remove unnecessary featured of gcc.