Ok, I might as well go first: I wish I could draw. Not at the level where I could make photorealistic portraits, but I’ve always been envious of those who are able to scetch something together in a few minutes that perfectly captures what they want to convey. Sometimes words aren’t enough to express what I want to say, and for those situations I would love to have a simple drawing do the talking for me.
Not op, but French, Russian, and Japanese. They’re all hard for Americans to learn (vs, say, Spanish or German).
am learn french
Russian actually isn’t that bad. It takes time, but I’ve been learning it because my gf is fluent. She calls it an unga-bunga language because literal word-by-word translation sounds like caveman-speak lol
French is very similar to Spanish
Not really, though. Despite being both romance languages, spoken French is far more irregular and difficult.
I studied French for three years in college and have visited a dozen times, and still can’t speak a damn word (that any French person will acknowledge).
China is rumbling in the distance
French is considered just about as hard as Spanish, maybe a little harder on the phonetics. German is harder than French or Spanish. Russian is harder than German/French/Spanish, but Japanese would be significantly harder than Russian.