The Scathing Atheist - three atheist comedians talk about religious over reach on society.
God Awful Movies - those same three comedians talk about terrible religious movies
Cognitive Dissonance - two skeptical best friends from Chicago talk about the news.
Citation Needed - the guys from The Scathing Atheist and the guys from Cognitive Dissonance take turns reading essays based on Wikipedia pages and joking about them.
Behind The Bastards - hilarious and well informed host talks about histories greatest Bastards.
The Greatest Generation/The Greatest Trek - two guys review Star Trek episodes. Generation focuses on older trek shows, currently going through Voyager, Trek reviews the new shows as episodes release.
GoNintendo - Rawmeat Cowboy from GoNintendo and his friends talk about Nintendo news and utterly fail to stay on topic.
If you like short and sweet (most eps. 20–30 min) and don’t mind being sad that it’s discontinued:
Two buddies discuss what a world without a particular thing (one thing per episode) would be like. No color? No chairs? No numbers? They tackle these questions in often unapologetically unscientific, and always creative and hysterical ways.
- Spout Lore (actual play dungeon world podcast which is an absolute blast of hilarity and wholesomeness)
- Dungeon and daddies (first season is a masterpiece, after that, your mileage may vary, they are going too often in the “too raunchy” for my taste but there are some good episodes still)
- Adventure Zones I recently dropped. I basically enjoy only the one off they do in the old West with ghosts and such. The main campaign is subpar since quite some time
- Not Another D&D podcast, I’m catching up with the first season still, sometimes they go for the “over the top” for no reason but there are some good moments. I absolutely loathe the sponsors they use (like fucking turbotaxes and other exploiting companies)
I had others but over time the quality dropped unfortunately.
I used podcast for infotainment and keeping updated with work related stuff as well once, but since the pandemic I don’t commute anymore and the time for podcast is basically just for when I cook or clean.
Have you tried Tale of the Manticore? Solid solo play, season 1 was great and 2 is solid so far.
Love me some Darknet Diaries and Hacked.
I love me some darknet diaries. I haven’t checked out hacked, how would you say it compares?
My podcasts fall into two groups:
- Destination Linux
- Late Night Linux and its brethren
- Linux GameCast and its sister show LWDW
- The War on Cars
- The Urbanist Agenda
- Strong Towns Podcast
- Upzoned
They release on almost a daily schedule, so I always have something to listen to.
Soooo many, but here are my top 5
- The Daily Beans - News. With Swearing
- Cognitive Dissonance - Two shouty atheists talk about stuff
- The Skepticrat - Funny hot takes on the news
- Behind the Bastards - All about the worst people
- NPR Politics - 90% American, 10% international, but still about America
I’ve been listening to CogDis since they had something like six episodes. It’s great seeing how far they’ve come.
I just added Cognitive Dissonance to my podcast feed. Are there any standout episodes that you would recommended grabbing?
Attempting to ping so they see this question too. Is that a thing on lemmy?
No Agenda
True Crime Bullshit
The Art of Manliness
Moe Factz
- Black Box Down
- Settling the Score
- Decoder Ring
- Futility Closet
- The New Wave Music Podcast
Black box down was just canceled :(
So was Ship Hits the Fan. At least RedWeb is still kicking.
BBD cancelation is a huge bummer. I’m still slowly working my way through the back catalog. I have 88 episodes left.
Joe Rogan ☠️
hardcore history
citizens guide to the supreme court
planet money
Currently I really like rest is politics-leading. Interviews with different kinds of people bringing interesting perspectives.
If Books Could Kill
The Launch Sequence. Star Citizen focused podcast, pretty interesting
I’m currently working my way thru prehistory season of Tides of History by Patrick Wyman (Fall of the Roman Empire guy). Came out in 2020, and I’m really enjoying the detail it goes into.