hi midwesties, hope you are having a nice time. I am from sweden.
Hi there! As a Detroit Red Wings fan I love Sweden, as you gave us the perfect human, Nicklas Lidström (and a ton of other great players!)
Yes, have you watched bandy?
No but I just googled it, it looks awesome!
You are awesome
What would be Sweden’s Midwest? Norway?
Depends on the definition of midwest
Having lived in Sweden for about a half year and visited a few other times (study abroad and lots of family there), geographically the whole country kind of reminds me of the midwest (barring the more frozen part way far north where the trees get smaller). The more wooded and snowy parts of the north remind me of the upper midwest, the south more akin to the large rolling fields of the farming parts of the midwest. Vänern feels like a Great Lake. The archipelago filled Baltic coastlines remind me a bit of the rockier Lake Superior coastlines of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. I could see why my grandpa and many other Swedes felt comfortable emigrating to this part of the country about a century ago.
Wow such long text post, thanks for nice words about sweden. I hope you come visit again, it is very strange that the two would be similar with how far south the american midwestern region is comparatively to sweden.
Jag planerar att resa till Sverige igen under jul :) (förlåt - min svenska är inte så bra)
Jag har läst att klimatet är liknande på grund av “The Gulf Stream” (not sure what you call it in Swedish, it’s the warm water current in the Atlantic Ocean)
Okidoki, golfströmmen är det svenska namnet
Hello Sweden, I’m afraid it is a bit quiet around here, but as you can see we do have some LOTR memes. We’re having lovely summer days over here, so long as you’re not too close to Canada’s wildfires.
Wishing you all the best.
quiet is good, no drama only nice people and plants. Happy canada day
Have you visited the Midwest?
Which places in the Midwest would you like to visit?
The ocean lakes, I have heard they are very big
They are so big that they are in fact great lakes!
Yes, big look like ocean
For a while we spent vacation time in Michigan every summer- absolutely loved it. Ever since the kids started going to college it’s been more sporadic. Someday we’ll get back up there.
Why not now?
Wow, that is a nice ocean beach. Looks just like in southern sweden
Just kidding, I know it is one of the great big ocean lakes. Very majestic please do not litter
Very nice time yes! Be well!
Thank you for your kind interaction, may you have a nice summer.
Hello from St. Louis, it’s hot and humid here on Independence Day. Perfect for swimming!
Louisiana isnt in the midwest
Hello from Detroit, just in front of Canada. I love Swedish culture and its nordic noir series, perhaps my favorite is Wallander with K. Henriksson.
also from the detroit area. howdy!
Howdy! East Detroit here 😀
Hello east Detroit, are you well?
You live in the river?? :P
Perhaps they are a turtle
I love Beck by Henning Mankel
Hello - the only Swedish people I’ve ever met were at a bar while playing drinking games in Mexico, but it was great fun. Hope you are well.
I am well, are you well?
i would love to visit sweden, what is your favorite aspect of living in sweden?
My favorite aspect of sweden is a lot of stuff, including the public of public access, the food, nature
howdy! my sister’s ex husband was Swedish ;)
My wife’s boyfriend is Swedish!
small world!
Perhaps it is the same person
Hello Sweden! My part of the Midwest has seen power and internet outages from thunderstorms the last couple of days, so it’s been rough over here.
PS: Hope that Turkey & Hungary get over themselves soon!
I will ride bicycle to fix your electricity