He seems like kind of a dick

  • k_o_t@lemmy.ml
    4 years ago

    Unlike most comments in this thread, which discuss his social-political orientation, I wanted to question his (please forgive me) genius status.

    Yes, he does own some pretty innovative companies that do some pretty innovative cool things, but what exactly was his part in it besides buying/co-founding them? That’s my genuine question. The reason I would ask something like this or doubt his genius in the first place are the things that he proposes purely on his own, with nobody else’s involvement.

    For example, the tesla roadster air thrusts, flying cars or the hyperloop as the most notable examples, both extremely dumb ideas that anyone with the most superficial understanding of physics will recognize as completely infeasible.

    Yes, he does have a Bachelor’s degree in physics and economics, which makes me think that he is simply very capable of recognizing potential in things, but not conceiving these ideas by himself. He is a very talented business manager and PR strategist, but I have some doubt about his abilities beyond that…