So do you think the former president, Donald J. Trump, actually fucked his daughter, Ivanka Trump? She was the actual first lady, and such, after all.
Donald J. Trump spent a lot of time with the known pedophile and child rapist Epstein. Wonder how many children he’s actually raped? Did Donald J. Trump actually rape his own daughter or did he just want to?
Somewhere there is an article about an interview that someone did with Ivanka touring the home she grew up in. The interviewer makes it plain that she becomes emotionally distraught when she starts talking about her bedroom. I’ll see if I can dig it up, but I don’t remember enough details to make it easily googlable.
In the end, I don’t know. I kind of think so, but to be fair they may just have had an oddly intimate father/daughter relationship. It can be creepy and unhealthy without crossing that boundary. Not saying he didn’t, just saying that although it might seem like it, that doesn’t make it so, either.
Edit: Although I have a strong recollection of reading such an article, a few minutes of googling is not turning it up…
It’s a reporter being given a tour, on video, by Ivanka of the home. You probably won’t find a written account, just the video. As I recall, her demeanor chills suddenly when she introduced her childhood bedroom.
Her demeanor does change when she looks at the bed:
Yeah, that’s an odd change of affect. Then she covers it back over. Makes me feel bad for her.
Thank you I must have somewhat misremembered.
Here is the video:
Thank you!
I really think he did. Yes.
Trump absolutely did rape his daughter. All the smartest people are saying it. The best people know it.
The toilet paper march to Air Force 1.
The upside down Bible.
“You don’t understand how humble I really am…”
Isn’t that last one from Amish Paradise? “I am a thousand times more humble than thou art”
The reality is wilder than anything Weird Al could come up with…
Watch Pence’s reaction. Kinda says it all!
Think you’re really righteous?
Think you’re pure in heart?
Well, I know I’m a million times as humble as thou art!
I think he’s just getting weirder in his old age. So weird, you don’t know what he’ll do, maybe he’ll kiss that wet spot on the couch next.
The same spot that JD Vance was seen at?
I really think there is a 0% chance that he hasn’t fucked Ivanka.
*raped, he would have raped her.
I’m sure all guys talk about how much their partner reminds them of their daughter (according to Stormy Daniels which I believe) how presidential
She definitely had some underwear go missing
Is that some sort of expression…‘to have your underwear go missing’? I’ve not heard it before; could you explain it a bit?
I think that is meant literally. I can well believe him sniffing her panties.
Lest we forget.
I need to see this with a stem in his hand
Dude is weird af.
Demented, grotesque, evil, foul-smelling.
Calling Trump “weird” is like calling Putin “weird”. I mean, yeah, I guess technically you’re correct, but it’s a massive understatement at best, and at worst it focuses on the wrong things. People don’t dislike Trump because he’s weird. It’s because he’s dangerous.
It’s a better strategy than labeling him dangerous. The latter would make his supporters go “Fuck yeah he is! Watch out libtards!” The “weird” angle attacks his credibility.
Yeah, I think the idea is to not be afraid of Trump, because fear is what the Republicans want.
Its also classic Minnesota passive aggressive which is fitting since it came from Governor Walz.
Called him weird talking to a fellow Minnesotan today, who had told me he was a fan.
“Yeah, I’m not a big fan, the guy’s just so weird.”
“Yeah, he is from New York, so that’s fair.”
Yeah, but the “dangerous” label is easier to sell to your own voter base in the style of “A vote for Bart is a vote for anarchy”.
If it makes people vote against him, I’ll allow it.
He’s a weird little dangerous freak with tiny hands
And corrupt. Putin. Trump probably too.
[citation needed]
You are right, he is definitely corrupt
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IIRC 2nd right isn’t weird. He’s mocking the differently abled or some woman (journalist?) who was hurt or something.
oh yeah, that’s not weird behaviour, who hasn’t done that while campaigning for public office.
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I think it’s not only cruel and mean, but also weird that someone mocks a disabled person by imitating a caricature of a disability.
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It’s not “for” us though.
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Media is a funny thing
That just makes it sound odd or unusual,
That’s exactly what is meant by “weird”.
I think it’s pretty damn weird.
It was a male reporter.
The great thing was the excuse his people came up with. Trump wasn’t mocking that person in particular; he does that move whenever he’s mocking someone. You know, how FDR and Kennedy had famous mocking faces they used so much…
Fox thinks it’s a coincidence that his arm shaking is strongest when mocking the disabled reporter.
Their raw video compilation here (promise, no talking heads besides an orange one).
the most you could say about these bits of evidence is that they demonstrate that Trump is an equal-opportunity mocker
But is he - you’ll have to decide (naw we already know what we think) :)
Maybe he’s the one that talks like this
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Yeah but there are subsets to weirdness, Trump is weird in the uncle touchy who isnt allowed near children sort of way. Not uncle jacknife who knows how to make IEDs sort of way.
I agree. This is just desensitizing people to Trump in the end.
Trump would be a great President if America was a TV Show I could just sort of turn on and laugh at and then turn off again.
Make it like The Truman Show and let him believe, that he is indeed president.
The idea has been pitched before, and I believe its a good one
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The Gang Goes Fascist
Always Sunny music plays
Tamest Ivanka photo, he’s literally on tape talking about how his admiration with his preteen daughters breasts. Not only on tape but video… That was televised… Intentionally and internationally.
Good genes, very good genes.
What a weird pitiful old man. He should drop out of the presidential race
The flag hugging event sticks out for me more than anything else he did. Like WTF was going on there? Dude had to be barred out of his mind on Xanax or something.
You can’t tell me he wasn’t high. Like. Really fucking high. I’ve felt that silly before but never without enhancers of some sort.
He’s unfit to be an independent adult let alone the leader of the free world.
Posing with a baggie of thoughts and prayers for victims of a typical mass shooting: are they so happy?
Getting paid by the gun lobby.