I want to make a website from scratch…it’s more about the coding learning experience then having anything important to promote…would Linode work for this?
Create your own html based website and upload to https://neocities.org/
straight to the point
start with learning html. sololearn.com was the best a few years ago, though there may be better resources now
Good advice, didn’t know that. In Germany, we really like to use SelfHTML.org – a very good site since the beginning of HTML. But, only in German.
For the really early start, while learning Coding you could also just have it on your own machine and dont need a Server yet.
For hosting it? I’m sure Linode would be sufficient.
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What kind of website? Static or application? Let’s start with tooling. For static site builders there’s all sorts of stuff like Nextjs, Hugo, and Wordpress. For web applications the task gets more complex and is going to depend on personal preference and what kind of architecture you want.
Linode is a good solution for hosting a web application, but unnecessary for a static website. For a static website you can use something like github pages or netlify for free.
If you don’t know how to code you’ll need to do that before you touch any of this.
I would suggest a static site builder like hugo